"A Comparison of the Level of Maturity of Manufacturers in the Lake Lan" by Mark W. Henderson

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Louis C. Butler


The purpose of this study was to determine if manufacturers in the Lake Land College School District have implemented Lean Manufacturing techniques and score as high as the manufacturers in Goodson's Michigan study. Lean Manufacturing techniques have revolutionized the auto industry, with the Toyota Production system the benchmark in Lean Manufacturing techniques. A survey using Goodson's Rapid Plant Assessment compares the level of maturity in the utilization of the Lean Manufacturing techniques with the manufacturers in the Lake Land College School District and Goodson's survey of manufacturers in Michigan. The mean score of 57.67 for the manufacturers in the Lake Land College School District was slightly higher than Goodson's mean score of 55, but not a statistically significant difference.

Included in

Manufacturing Commons
