Eastern Illinois University Conferences, Events and Exhibits | Eastern Illinois University Research | The Keep

This collection contains hosted conference sites, archived photo galleries of important annual events such as Commencement, and award/recognition events such as Achievement and Contribution Awards and Years Of Service.

Contact thekeep@eiu.edu if you would like a custom-designed hosted site for your conference or event.

Annual Events

Faculty and Staff Awards & Recognition Ceremonies

One Time and Past Events

Browse the Conferences/Events Collections:

Achievement & Contribution Awards

African American Heritage Month

Booth Library Programs

Commencement Ceremonies


Health Fair: Tools & Lessons for K-12

I'll Teach: Explore the Power and Possibilities of Teaching

Lions in Winter Literary Festival

Midwest Association for Latin American Studies (MALAS) Annual Conference

Moving Writers: Finding and Amplifying Voice

National Center Annual Conferences

New Faculty

Retirement Celebrations


Superior Performance Awards

Together We RISE (Making Excellence Inclusive)

Years of Service Awards