Together We RISE (Making Excellence Inclusive) | Conferences/Events | Eastern Illinois University


Eastern Illinois University Presents the Seventh Annual
Making Excellence Inclusive Conference

October 20, 2023

Please register for the conference HERE

The annual RISE conference provides faculty and staff the strategies and tools to support students' academic success.

The conference is also designed to raise awareness of the diverse challenges our students face, whether as members of underrepresented groups, as first-generation college students, as non-traditionally aged students, or as students with disabilities.

We welcome presentations on issues concerning inclusion, diversity, equity, trauma informed methods, social justice, belongingness, the impacts of the pandemic on all aspects of education, the intersectionality of any of the aforementioned, and other topics that pertain to the theme.

We also welcome presentations that engage with Illinois’ new Culturally Responsive Teaching standards.

Sessions will be in-person or virtual (presented synchronously).

The keynote address will be offered in a hybrid meeting format..

For more information about MEI’s mission and core principles visit

Browse the contents of Together We RISE (Making Excellence Inclusive):

Together We Rise 2023
Together We Rise 2022
Together We RISE 2021
Together We RISE 2020