Masters Theses
Theses from 2008
Influence Of Seed Source On Vegetative And Reproductive Performance Of Three Common Prairie Grasses Common In Grassland Restoration, Matt Burmeister
Mating Bias In The Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis Invicta, Kendra Carroll
The Impact Of Climate On The Leaf Characteristics Of Genus Fraxinus, Brian W. Craven
Tracing Sperm In Multiply-Mated Female Anastrepha Suspensa, (Diptera:Tephridae), Preeti Dhakal
Influence Of Fluvial Geomorphology On Fish Assemblage Structure Within An Agriculturally Impacted Watershed, Jeffrey D. Fore
Foraging site selection in prairie kingsnakes (Lampropeltis c. calligaster): An experimental approach, Angela M. Fornell
Artificial Riffles As A Stream Remediation Technique, Bethany S. Harrington
Beneficial Effects Of Estradiol Are Mediated Through Apoe, Aseem Hussain
Terrestrial Macrofungi Of Old-Growth Prairie Groves, Vincent P. Hustad
Spatial and Ecological Patterns of Tent Location in the Eastern Tent Caterpillar, Malacosoma americana (Lepidoptera:Lasiocampidae), Jennifer Pleasant
Long-Term Functional Trait Dynamics In Abandoned Agricultural Fields, Timothy A. Rye
A survey of carrion and burying beetles (Coleoptera:SIlphidae) in McHenry County, Illinois, David Suhrbur
Evaluating The Illinois Stream Valley Segment Model As An Effective Management Tool, Stephen S. Warrner
Theses from 2007
Long Term Population Dynamics For Rosa Multiflora In A Successional System, Stephen Eugene Banasiak
The Influence Of Extreme Hydrologic Events On Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages In The Sangamon River, Decatur, Illinois, Catherine E. Ciak
Mating, Kinship, And Population Structure In Illinois Beaver Populations, Joanne C. Crawford
Spatial And Temporal Distribution Of Total Heterotroph And Fecal Coliform Bacteria In An Urban Stream, Heather R. English
Red Squirrel Distribution And Habitat Use In Illinois, Corinna Hanson
Habitat Use And Overwintering Ecology Of The Northern Watersnake (Nerodia Sipedon) On An Artificial Levee In Central Illinois, Melanie J. Olds
Classification Of Illinois Lakes And Reservoirs And Evaluation Of The Potential Use Of Phytoplankton As Biocriteria, Jessica A. Rasmussen
Cell Signaling Pathways in Lps-Mediated Apoptosis of Dedifferentiated Hepatoma Cells, Michael Ryan Reidy
Comparison Of Avian Nest Success Among Linear Wooded Habitats In An Agricultural Landscape, Terri J.E. Thompson
Effects Of Food Deprivation, Body Size, And Egg Load On The Mating Behavior Of Female Japanese Beetles, Popillia Japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), Natasha Tigreros
Influence Of Fish Presence And Removal On Woodland Pond Breeding Amphibians, J. Brian Towey
Theses from 2006
Movements and habitat selection of raccoons in a rural Illinois landscape, Erin E. Barding
Changes in the Diet of Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Near-Shore Lake Michigan with the Invasion of the Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus): 1995-2005, Marybeth Kathryn Brey
Seedling development n Stylisma pickeringii var. pattersonii (Convolvulaceae), an endangered Illinois species, Jason B. Cunningham
Urea: A natural cryoprotectant in the freeze-tolerant wood frog (Rana sylvatica), Elizabeth A. Fincel
Role of apoE in regeneration, maturation and synaptogenesis of olfactory receptor neurons in mice, Salina Gairhe
Beaver home ranges and movement patterns on the Embarras River Watershed in east central Illinois, Randall P. Havens
Characterization of putative in vitro hybrids within the genus Flammulina, Sean C. Jones
A survey and developmental biology of Iliamna remota Greene (Malvaceae), an endangered species in Illinois, April Lyn McDonnell
Expression of ApoE in the mouse olfactory system during development and post injury, Sreenivas Nannapaneni
The effects of ApoE on olfactory neuron plasticity in mice, Ikemefuna T. Nwosu
The effects of remnant seed source size on plant performance in a prairie restoration, William L. Stewart
Defining edge gradients using plant species composition in oak-hickory forest patches, Elise M. Tulloss
Quantifying impacts of white-tailed deer on woodland plant communities, Brent E. Wachholder
The response of macroinvertebrate communities to habitat fragmentation, Ross W. Widinski
Theses from 2005
Molecular identification of Anopheles spp. (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Chapare/Carrasco Valleys, Cochabamba, Bolivia, Corey Brelsfoard
Natal dispersal of beavers in the Embarras River watershed in central Illinois, Erin A. Cleere
An evaluation of beaver habitat models for Illinois rivers, Daniel R. Cox
Landscape effects on stream water chemistry and benthic productivity in an agricultural watershed, Shari E. Fanta
The effects of habitat quality on abiotic factors and heterotrophic microbial activity in a freshwater stream system, Daphne Kampinga
Size and reproductive activity of a geographically-isolated population of Ambystoma jeffersonianum in east-central Illinois, Sarabeth Klueh
Diet composition of juvenile fish reflects adaptation to altered prey communities in a reservoir receiving thermal effluent, Brian A. Metzke
Seasonal movements and habitat selection of raccoons in a grassland-agricultural landscape, Roberta K. Newbury
Land-use changes and stream productivity: Effects on stream communities and food-chain length, Christopher A. North
Benthic algal community structure and bioaccumulation of mercury in a coastal watershed, Lucie Novoveska
Molecular identification, distribution and ecology of larval malaria mosquitoes in Carrasco/Chapare Valleys, Bolivia, Reema Paudel
Copulatory behaviors of male Caribbean fruit flies (Anastrepha suspensa) and female sperm storage patterns, Holly J. Wallace
Resilience of an amphibian community following the removal of introduced fish, Leroy J. Walston
Plant species turnover as a mechanism of community change in response to biotic and abiotic perturbation, Kathryn Anne Yurkonis
Theses from 2004
Physiological performance of Thamnophis hammondii is not affected after eating the toxic frog Xenopus laevis, C. Drew Foster
Seasonal Use Of An Abandoned Mine And Summer Maternity Roost By Northern Bats (Myotis Septentrionalis), Heather Rae Fraser
Pathogenicity Of Xanthomonas Axonopodis Pv. Glycines, The Causative Agent Of Bacterial Pustule In Soybeans, Lopa D. Goradia
Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene C. Carolina) As A Dispersal Vector Of Seeds And Spores, William J. Jordan
Impacts Of Agricultural Landscapes On The Breeding Biology And Behavioral Ecology Of Grassland Birds, Susan Allison Linn
Changing Turtle Communities Of The Illinois River, Steven J. Paglia
Factors Affecting The Mate Guarding Behavior In Japanese Beetles (Popillia Japonica Newman), Yoriko Saeki
Diatom Assemblages Reflect Environmental Heterogeneity In An Urban Stream, Kristen M. Thomas
Role Of Demethylation And Hyperacetylation In [Alpha]1-Antitrypsin Gene Activation, Ling Tian
Theses from 2003
Cell Biology Of ApoE In Cortical Cultured Neurons: Possible Roles In Alzheimer's Disease, Anna G. Barsukova
Investigation of Matrilineal Relationships via Mitochondrial DNA in the Southeastern Yellowjacket (Vespula squamosa), Anthony Deets
Populations of Phaeophyscia leana (Tuck.) Essl. within the Ohio River Basin, R. N. Gillespie
Regional Dispersal of Daphnia lumholtzi in North America Inferred from ISSR Genetic Markers, G. Matthew Groves
Behavioral Aspects of Apolipoprotein E Knockout Mice, Melissa T. Litherland
Theses from 2002
Phylogeography and Genetic Diversity of the Seal Salamander (Desmognathus monticola), Erin D. Casey
The Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Fish Developmental Stability, Matthew W. Gosses
Phylogenetics of Lymnaeidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) with Emphasis on the Evolution of Susceptibility to Fascioloides magna Infection, Sarah Renee Joyce
Modulation of apolipoprotein E expression and glial activation in mouse olfactory bulb during estrous cycle: An immunohistochemical study, Matthew Kircher
Aging Coyotes Using Dental Characteristics, Michelle Maher
Gas Exchange and Yields of Bt Resistant Maize (Zea mays L.) with European Corn Borer (Ostrinia nubilalis, Hubner) Infestation, Shad Mallady
Colony Composition and Demographics of Beavers in Illinois, Stanley T. McTaggart
Regional Specific Brain ApoE Modulation by the Estrous Cycle and Exogenous Estrogen, Emily Rosario
Mitochondrial DNA and Microsatellite Genetic Variation of Dollar Sunfish (Lepomis marginatus), Nancy A. Schable
Cyclomorphosis of Daphnia lumholtzi in Response to Spatial Heterogeneity in Lake Taylorville, Karen K. Schnake
Effects of E2 on ApoE Secretion and Neurite Outgrowth in Cultured Adult Mouse Cortical Neurons, Fei Shen
Effects of Apolipoprotein E on Olfactory Nerve Plasticity in Mice, Jody L. Short
Reproductive Biology of Stylisma pickeringii (Convolvulaceae), an Endangered Plant of Illinois Sand Prairies, Brent L. Todd
Analyses of Prairie Restorations at Rock Springs Environmental Center, Decatur, Illinois, Jennifer A. Ward
Theses from 2001
Managing Wetland Vegetation for Marsh Birds and Waterfowl at Carlyle Lake Wildlife Management Area, IL, Matthew W. Bowyer
Isolation Effects of Aquatic Habitat Fragmentation on Greenside (Etheostoma blennioides) and Fantail (Etheostoma flabellare) Darters, Rita M. Klein
Renesting - Female's Success After Nesting Failure and the Renesting of the Dickcissel (Spiza americana) at Prairie Ridge State Natural Area, Kevin L. Wentworth
Olfactory Behavior in ApoE Knockout Mice, John P. Yost
Theses from 2000
Patterns and Implications of Aberrant Singing Behaviors of Black-capped (Poecile atricapillus) and Carolina (Poecile carolinensis) Chickadees in Illinois, Patrick Caesar Enstrom
Impacts of White-Tailed Deer Grazing on Spring Wildflower Communities, Faye Frankland
Effects of Apolipoprotein E on Neurite Outgrowth from Adult Mice Cortical Neurons, Yanwen Jiang
The Effect of Predator Chemical Cues and Conspecific Alarm Signals upon Behavior in Early and Late Developmental Stages of American Toad (Bufo americanus) Tadpoles, Carol Lynette Johnson
Prairie Analysis at Prairie Ridge State Natural Area, Jasper County, IL, Annette Kessler
Relationship Between Protective Effects of Estrogen, ApoE and Alzheimer's Disease, Sara M. Ludwig
Effects Of Apolipoprotein E On Olfactory Neuron Plasticity In Mice, Rafia Nisar
Effects of Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula) Infestation on Breeding Birds of the Sheyenne National Grassland, ND, Daniel M. Scheiman
Reproduction Partitioning in Polygyne Nests of the Yellowjacket Vespula Squamosa, Stephanie A. Stewart
Emergence and Reproductive Patterns in the Japanese Beetle, Popillia japonica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), Steven J. Van Timmeren
Theses from 1999
Alarm Calls Affect Foraging Behavior in Eastern Chipmunks (Tamias striatus), Jessica K. Baack
Vascular Flora of the Allison Prairie, Lawrence County, Illinois, Brian R. Garrard
Theses from 1998
Habitat Selection, Reproductive Success, and Impaling Patterns of a Migratory Population of Loggerhead Shrikes, Jeffrey D. Esely Jr.