Masters Theses
Theses from 2016
Demographics and Parasites of Spotted Bass in the Wabash River, Evan C. Boone
Assessing the Feasibility of Wastewater Effluent as a Nutrient Source for Algae in the Context of Biofuel Production, Justin Ryan Dore
Evaluation of Hazelnuts as a Sustainable Crop in Illinois, Sharon Neva Dubosky
Effects of Habitat Alteration on Ecomorphology of Fish Communities in a Restored Stream, Carl Anthony Favata
Quantifying Bat Detection Survey Methods and Activity Patterns, Tara C. Hohoff
Expression of Artemia LEA Proteins in Drosophila melanogaster Cells Using Multicistronic Vector Constructs, Kazi Nazrul Islam
White-Rot Fungi as Pretreatment Agents for Wood Destined for Biofuel Applications, Ryan M. Kalinoski
Diel and Seasonal Patterns of Channel Catfish Movement and Habitat Use in the Lower Wabash River, Hanna Gibbs Kruckman
Assessment of the Efficacy of the Hose-Bridge as a Road-Crossing Structure for Dekay's Brownsnake (Storeria dekayi), Sarah Elizabeth Manka
Sampling Efficiency, Population Characteristics, and Potential Impacts of Harvest Regulations on Three Riverine Species of Catfish, Zachary Adam Mitchell
Impact of Transcription Factors on Fibroblast Specific Gene Silencing in Somatic Cell Hybrids, Tania Ray
Diversity of the Beneficial Bacterium Oxalobacter formigenes Isolated from the Human Gut, Karen Shaw
Low-Head Dams on Habitat, Fish Functional Guilds and Genetic Structuring in a Midwestern River System, Shannon Cassandra Frary Smith
Stopover Ecology of Neotropical Migratory Songbirds in the Northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Lauren E. Solomon
Genetic Structure and Diversity of Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in Three Large Midwestern Rivers, Vaclav Alexei Sotola
Theses from 2015
The Effects of Solutes in the Cryopreservation of Adherent Neuroblastoma (Neuro-2a) Cells, Trisha L. Bailey
The Effects of Industrial Biomass Gasification Ash as a Soil Amendment on the Earthworm Eisenia fetida, Michael J. Blackowicz
Trophic Interactions in a Semiaquatic Snake Community: Insights into the Structure of a Floodplain Food Web, Cynthia M. Carter
The Functional Role of Leaf Nutrients in an Old-Field Successional Community, Kirstin I. Duffin
Adaptive Significance of Aberrant Chickadee Song in Illinois, Evan Andrew Glynn
The Impact of Aging and Estrogen Therapy on Synaptic Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in an Alzheimer's Mouse Model, Eric W. Hendricks
Effects of Treated Wastewater Effluent on Microbial Community Structure in a Natural Receiving Aquatic System, Matthew D. Hladilek
Metagenomic Analysis of the Lacrimal Caruncle Region of Canis lupus familiaris Using MiSeq Technology, Seun A. Ikugbayigbe
Asian Carp Population Status and Reproductive Potential in Illinois River Tributaries, Clinton Wesley Morgeson
D-Galactose Decreases MitoNEET Levels in Liver Cancer Cells: Impact on Cellular Bioenergetics, Sudip Paudel
Comparison of Agency and Volunteer Stream Assessments Using Macroinvertebrate Assemblages, David William Petry
Compatibility Factors of Fascioloides magna miracidia and Four Sympatric Snail Species: Miracidial Behavior and Snail Response, Bryan Rolfsen
Daily Activity Patterns in Three Migratory Bird Species at a Stopover Site on the Northern Coast of the Gulf of Mexico, Lynn Schofield
The Role of CREG1 and PITX1 as Master Regulators of Liver Function, Anit Shah
Theses from 2014
The Effects of Theophylline and 8-Cyclopentyltheophylline on the Respiratory Response to Carbon Dioxide in Neonatal Rats, Christine E. Albers
The Effects of 1, 3, & 7 Trisubstituted and 8-Cyclopentyl Alkylxanthines on Respiration in Newborn Rats, Nathan Creel Davidson
Comparison of Oak and Sugar Maple Distribution and Regeneration in Central Illinois Upland Oak Forests, Peter J. Frey
Effects of Dams on Fish and Macroinvertebrate Communities in the Vermilion River, IL, Ryan Patrick Hastings
Assessment of Range, Habitat Use, and Diel Movement of Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) in the Wabash River Using Ultrasonic Telemetry, Sarah Mary Huck
Do Artificial Riffles Enhance Nutrient Retention in Restored Streams?, Adam Thomas Hughes
The Role of Landmarks in Territory Maintenance by the Black Saddlebags Dragonfly, Tramea lacerata, Jeffrey Lojewski
Morphological and Ecological Investigations of Species of Bulrush (Scirpus) in Illinois, Julian G. Moore
Demographics and Seasonal Diet Composition of Shovelnose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus Rafinesque) in Wabash River, Vaskar Nepal
Effects of Instream Habitat Restoration on Macroinvertebrate and Fish Communities in a Small Midwestern Stream, Manisha Pant
Examining the Nutritional Requirements of Acidophilic Archaea "Ferroplasma acidarmanus" strain fer1, Yudong Qu
Habitat Associations of Larval and Juvenile Fishes in a Large Unimpounded River, Sharon V. Rayford
Aspects of the Trophic Ecology of an Invertivorous Snake Community, Meagan Amanda Thomas
Theses from 2013
Using Field Studies to Meet the Next Generation Science Standards, Amy Brown
Morphometric Study of Variation in the Genus Galeopsis (Lamiaceae), Michael T. Hughes
Dietary Ecology of an Actively-Foraging Snake Species: Coluber constrictor foxii, Corissa Pauline Lennon
Demographics of a Commercially Exploited Population of Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) in the Wabash River, Cassi Jo Moody-Carpenter
Resolving the Nutritional Requirements of the Bile Acid-Dehydroxylating Gut Bacterium Clostridium scindens, Oindrila Paul
Molecular Mechanisms Involved in Anhydrobiosis of Insect Cells, Diyagama Arachchi Ralalage Dilini Sewwandi Samarajeewa
Freeze Tolerance Conferred by Transgenic Expression of Late Embryogenesis Abundant Protein in Insect Cells, Alyssa N. Walser
Survey of Medicinal Herbs of Central Illinois Prairie and Woodlands, Debra Ann Welch
Short-Term Responses of Fish Assemblages to Habitat Restoration in a Small Midwestern Stream, John Leon West
Parasites of Invasive Carp and Native Fish in the Wabash River, Justin Wilcox
Theses from 2012
Desiccation Tolerance in Insect Cells, John Marcus Anderson
Effects of Apolipoprotein E, Sex, and Estrogen on the Neuroplasticity of Olfactory Receptor Neurons in Mice Following Olfactory Bulbectomy, John P. Boyce III
The Toxicity of Acetaminophen, Caffeine and Carbendazim in Earthworms (Eisenia fetida), Matthew M. Bulman
Bioavailability, Bioaccumulation, and Trophic Transfer of Trace Metals in the Tims Branch-Steed Pond Tributary, Paul Gethyn Edwards
Effect of reservoir discharge and sanitary effluent on an urban stream, Daniel Hiatt
Feeding behavior of nestling Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) in east-central Illinois, Amanda Lamb
Egg Recognition and Cowbird Egg Ejection Behavior in the American Robin (Turdus migratorius), Allison Karlien Lang
Population Demographics Of White Crappie In Three Illinois Reservoirs, Candice Marie Miller
Demographics and seasonal abundance of sportfish in three thermal habitats of Coffeen Lake, Anthony Paul Porreca
Whatchu breathin'?: Sick building syndrome and seasonal occurrence of fungi, Jessica Stapleton
Comparison of silver carp population demographics in an impounded and a free flowing river, Jason G. Stuck
Theses from 2011
The evolution of leaf anatomy in Badiera (Polygalaceae), Laura Brauer
Interactions of diet and behavior in a death-feigning snake (Heterodon nasicus), Andrew Michael Durso
A Functional Genomics Approach To Analyze Two Methionine-[Gamma]-Lyase Orthologs In "Ferroplasma Acidarmanus" Using In Vitro Enzyme Assays, Md. A. Wadud Khan
Social dimensions of lake ecology: Stakeholder perception surveys used to design effective lake management plans, Laurie Nannini
Estrogen Promotes Neurite Outgrowth In Olfactory Epithelial Explant Cultures Through The Estrogen Receptor, Apryl E. Pooley
Analysis of extinction of fibroblast-specific gene expression in somatic hepatic hybrids using cDNA microarray technology, Sushma K. Shrestha
Is Anthropogenic Habitat Change The Driving Force Of Rapid Evolution Of Southeastern U.S. Coastal Deer Populations?, Nicole L. Storm
Theses from 2010
A Spatially Explicit Model to Predict Radiocesium Body Burdens in White-Tailed Deer on the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site, Christopher W. Bobryk
Population Ecotoxicology Of The Common Snapping Turtle In Agriculturally Impacted Lotic Ecosystems, Derrick L. Douros
The seasonality of parasites in Illinois house sparrows (Passer domesticus): Effect of stress on infection parameters, Tiffany C.M. Gibson
Prey Preference As A Function Of Feeding Experience And Prey Type In Neonate Gartersnakes (Colubridae: Thamnophis), Kathryn B. Hale
Soil Variability And Its Influence On Plant Performance, Jeremy R. Klass
Effects Of Forest Edges On Population Dynamics In A Successional System, Kimberly Anne Lang
Multiple endpoints of endocrine disruption in gravid watersnakes (Colubridae:Nerodia) as a function of ingestion of a common herbicide, Lorin Anne Neuman-Lee
Does Evolutionary Exposure Mediate Allelopathic Effects?, Nikki Leigh Pisula
The Spatial Distribution Of Japanese Beetles, Popillia Japonica, In Soybean Fields, Stacey A. Sara
Theses from 2009
Analysis Of Transcription Factor Promoter Binding In Rat Hepatoma/Fibroblast Hybrids, Jordan C. Angle
Aging In The Mammalian Olfactory System, Stephen Clark
The Effect Of Coalmine Effluent On The Parasite Assemblages Of Lepomis Spp. In The Saline River Basin, Andrew Claxton
Survival Strategies Of The Endangered Physaria Ludoviciana (Silvery Bladderpod; Brassicaceae), Marissa Catherine Jernegan Grant
Long-Term Assessment Of Predatory Fish Removal On A Pond-Breeding Amphibian Community In Central Illinois, Lee M. Gross
Nest Success, Nesting Habitat, & Nestling Feeding Rates Of Red-Headed Woodpeckers In East-Central Illinois, Nathan Cole Hudson
Dynamics Of Aggregation Formation In Japanese Beetles, Popillia Japonica, Katelyn A. Kowles
Photopigments as descriptors of phytoplankton assemblages for biotic assessment of Illinois lakes and reservoirs: An HPLC aided analysis, Robert J. Krenz III
Ecology And Impacts Of Lianas In Regenerating Forests, Laura Marie Ladwig
Fragmentation Effects On Fitness In Five Common Prairie Species, Lydia Miramontes Loyd
Habitat Selection And Niche Partitioning Of Fox And (Sciurus Niger) And Gray (Sciurus Carolinensis) Squirrels In Charleston, Il, Katelyn Marti
Behavioral response of Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica) to sex pheromone: Exploring factors of social situation and recent mating experience, Carissa A. Schoenick
Feathers As Bioindicators Of Pcb Exposure In Clapper Rails, Jay W. Summers
Interaction Of Apoe With Estrogen In The Olfactory System During Nerve Maintenance And Recovery, Michael M. Tonsor II
Theses from 2008
Correlating phytoplankton assemblages with water quality in Illinois lakes and reservoirs: Validating models based on historical data, Jason D. Allen
Evaluation Of The Oxalate-Consuming Activities Of Probiotic Microorganisms, Alexandra E.C. Baluka
A genetic assessment of the red squirrel in Illinois: Natives, immigrants, or exotics?, William Beatty