Masters Theses
Theses from 2024
Molecular Investigation of Tick-Borne Pathogens in Feral Swine (Sus scrofa) from Seven US States, Sofiane Aiche
Reprogramming of Rat and Human Hepatoma Cells with Fibroblast-Specific Transcription Factors MSX1 and PURA, Merve Diler
Investigating Morphological and Molecular Identifiers for Culex restuans and Culex pipiens from Central Illinois, Savannah L. Ettien
Shedding Light on Ester Drug Metabolism: Investigating Carboxylesterases in Live Cells with Fluorogenic Chemical Tools, Carolyn J. Karns
Examining Bigheaded Carp Ichthyoplankton Drift in Tributary and Mainstem River Systems of Two Midwestern Rivers, Adam Landry
Are Elaeagnus umbellata Invasions Limited by Microbial Interactions?, Cody Anderson Leverette
Exploring a Medicinal Strain of White-Rot Fungus for Biofuel Applications, Kortney L. Lucius
Nocturnal Behavior of Communally Roosting American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos), Caitlin M. Mrowiec
Influence of Seeding Strategy on Insect Communities Within Utility Lands, Kylee E. Nissen
High Prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection in Raccoons (Procyon lotor) and Associated Risk to Humans in Central Illinois, Esther Onuselogu
Opossums and Pathogens: A Survey of Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Pathogens from Didelphis virginiana in the Midwest, USA, Cassandra C. P. Strehl
Population Demographics of Channel Catfish in the Lower Wabash River, Valerie J. Thompson
Estimating Daily Growth of Age-0 Channel Catfish in a Free-Flowing, Commercially Exploited Midwestern River, Kaleb B. Wood
Using Community Science to Monitor Eastern Box Turtles and Engage Public in Conservation, Sarah Zoppa
Theses from 2023
Implications of Intraspecific Variation in Soil Microbes on Solidago Performance, Yazeed Alshammari
Triclosan Degrading Bacteria from Wastewater Treatment Plants in Central Illinois, Mohammed Alsulami
Effects of Prescribed Fire on Planted Oak Growth and Survival in Restored Savannas, Allison Earl
The Influence of Cover Crops on Grassland Restoration, Josh C. Poland
Wolbachia Infection in Gall Associated Insect Communities in Illinois and Indiana, Jakeb Watts
Theses from 2022
Identification and Cloning of Transcripts from Triterpenoid-Induced Neuronal Outgrowth in Neuro-2a Cells from Mus musculus, Meshael Alrashidi
Beetle Diversity in Temperate Deciduous Forests with Different Management History in Central Illinois, Syue Ru Chien
Low-Head Dam Removal Increases Functional Diversity of Stream Fish Assemblages, Adam Christopher Jones
Cloning of Root-Specific Promoters in Helianthus annuus and Populus trichocarpa, Jacob Murphy
Differences in the Growth and Bioenergetics between Centrarchids in a Midwestern Power Plant Lake, Kyle Joseph Rempe
Comparison of Bigheaded Carp Reproduction in Tributaries of the Illinois and Wabash Rivers, David J. Yff
Theses from 2021
The Gene Expression Patterns of Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Trametes versicolor on Diverse Lignocellulosic Feedstocks, Noor Osama Alabbasi
Genome-Wide Characterization of Lateral Organ Boundaries Domain Genes in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), Saleh M. Aljurbua
Effects of Wastewater Effluent on Fish Fin Morphology of Larval Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas) and Swimming Performance of Smallmouth Buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus), Seth Michael Bogue
Genetic Relatedness Can Alter the Strength of Plant-Soil Feedbacks, Kelly M. Clark
Immediate Response of Black Basses to Dam Removal Is Determined by Habitat Preference, Reuben Frey
Effects of Emerging Contaminants on Centrarchidae and Catostomidae in Midwestern Rivers: A Multiple Biomarker Approach, Camden Garret Nix
Theses from 2020
Reprograming Neuronal Cells by Overexpression of Fibroblast-Specific Transcription Factors, Abdulmohsen Alanazi
Transcriptome Analysis of Neuro-2a Cells Treated with Asiatic and Madecassic Acid, Fatimah M. Alqam
A Cloning Strategy for Expression of Fungal Hemicellulases in Plant Systems, Amer Alrudayan
The Transcriptome Response of the White-Rot Fungus Trametes versicolor to Wild-Type and Lignin-Modified Hybrid Poplar, Anbarah Alzabaidi
Comparison of the Effects of Growing-Season Burns and Dormant-Season Burns on Vegetation Structure and Grassland Bird Diversity in East-Central Illinois Prairies, Joseph Lee Boise
Investigation of Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II Roles in the Folate Cycle Dependent Reproduction and Development of Caenorhabditis elegans, Jessica M. Derham
Dam Effects on Freshwater Mussel Growth and Recruitment in a Midwestern Stream, Taylor Lyndon Fagin
Effects of Chemical Variation on Competition and Insect Communities Across Solidago altissima Genotypes, Bryan Scott Foster II
Is Context Dependency Imperative to Understanding the Impacts of Invasive Plants?, Brendan B. Haile
Monitoring Temporal Trends in Catostomidae Larvae in Large Sized River Tributaries, Kellie Nicole Hanser
Nest Success in a Grassland Bird Community: Microsite Selection & a Case for Nest Height Manipulation, Matt Kneitel
Seasonal Variation in Mitochondrial Bioenergetics of the Bluegill Sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus, from a Shallow Midwest River, Derick Isaac Lamptey
Identification and Analysis of Genes with Differential and Tissue-Specific Expression in Poplars, Bailey Mitchell
Assessment of the Immune Response to Posthodiplostomum minimum Infection in Bluegills, Olamide S. Olayinka
Aging Techniques & Population Dynamics of Blue Suckers (Cycleptus elongatus) in the Lower Wabash River, Dakota S. Radford
Bigheaded Carp Spatial Reproductive Dynamics and Population Genetics in Large River Tributaries, Samuel J. Schaick
Effects of insect opportunists on a four-level trophobiotic system involving nectar-producing galls of the cynipid wasp Disholcaspis quercusmamma (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), Stephanie L. Smith
Seasonal Temperature Changes in Three Midwestern Wastewater Streams and the Effects on Fish Assemblages and Physiology, Ryan William Sparks
Theses from 2019
Medicinal Properties of the Araliaceae, with Emphasis on Chemicals Affecting Nerve Cells, Rana Alharbi
The Transcriptional Response of Phanerochaete Chrysosporium and Trametes Versicolor to Growth on Stems of Helianthus Argophyllus (Silverleaf Sunflower), Nadh Hamoud Alsubaie
A Pipeline for Exogenous Gene Expression and Biomass Analysis in Plants, Bijay Bisunke
Identifying Priority Conservation Areas and Strategies for Myotis sodalis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) via Habitat and Connectivity Modeling, Ashleigh B. Cable
Functional Characterization of Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II in Caenorhabditis elegans, Hashni Epa Vidana Gamage
An Assessment of Night Time and Seasonal Electrofishing in the Lower Wabash River, Eric Christopher Hine
CREG1: Its Role as a Master Regulator of Liver Function, Iffat Jahan
Context Dependency of Invasion Impacts on the Controllers of Invasibility in Microstegium vimineum, Scott Vincent Janis
Variation in Leaf Morphology of an Alpine Shrub Community Along Environmental Gradients, Abdulssalam Khafsha
Investigating the Prevalence of an Insecticide Resistance Gene in Culex Mosquito Populations of Central Illinois, Kylee R. Noel
Detection of Beta-Lactamase Variants in Municipal Wastewater and Fresh Water, Sunil Pandey
Evaluation of Intra-Species Diversity of Oxalobacter formigenes Strains Using Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) and Multiplex PCR, Nivedita Pareek
Assessment and Recovery of Stream Restoration Efforts on Fish Communities, Jessica Marie Rohr
Impacts of Plant-Microbe Interactions on Seedling Performance in a Riparian Forest Invaded by Lonicera maackii, Taylor E. K. Strehl
Reprogramming of Rat Hepatoma Cells with Fibroblast-specific Protein Twist1, Kezban Ucar Cifci
White Grub in Bluegill in the Sangamon River: Impact of Sewage Effluent and Flow Regime on Infection Parameters, Miranda White
Theses from 2018
The Transcriptional Response of Trametes versicolor to Growth on Maple Chips and Miscanthus Straw, Maha Alanazi
The Role of Prrx1 and Snai2 as Master Regulators of Fibroblast Identity, Huda A. Alzahrani
Impact of Giant Miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus) Cultivation on Midwestern Farmland Birds, Matthew Craffey
Reproductive Health and Morphometric Comparison of Catostomid Species in Two Midwestern Rivers, Bethany Ellen Hoster
Distiphallus Morphology and its Role in Copulation Dynamics in Anastrepha Suspensa (Loew), Taylor J. Inboden
Impact of Temperature Increase on Freshwater Fish Species: Energetics and Muscle Mechanics of Two Centrarchids, Israt Jahan
The Effect of Self-Recognition in the Competition Between Genets of Solidago altissima, Charles Jaques
Co-Product Potential of Algae Biocake, Elizabeth J. Nixon
An Efficient Protocol for Root Studies in the Common Sunflower Using Composite Plants, Tyler Parks
Effects of Main-Stem Impoundments on Hydrology and Larval Fish Communities in Major Tributaries of Two Large Midwestern Rivers, Jordan Pesik
Investigation of a Putative Membrane-Bound Protein in Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana tabacum, Allen Potter
Bigheaded Carp Reproduction in Large River Tributaries with Evaluation of Sampling Gear Performance, Daniel R. Roth
Biotransformation of Oxo-Bile Acids Derivatives by Human Gut Bacteria, Laina Sallam
Resolution of the Nutritional Requirements and Metabolic Profile of Clostridium scindens ATCC 35704, A Major Bile Acid-Dehydroxylating Anaerobe in the Human Gut, Rachana Shrestha
Evaluation and demographic response of the shovelnose sturgeon commercial caviar fishery in the Wabash River, Jessica L. Thornton
Medicinal Properties of Cyperus Species (Sedge Family, Cyperaceae), Lata Maishaya Udari
Theses from 2017
The Transcriptome Response of the White-Rot Fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium to Maple and Miscanthus, Mashael Rashed Alaradi
The Role of CREG1 as a Master Regulator of Liver Function, Abdulrahman Siran Aldaghmi
Detection of Antibiotic Resistance Loci in Wastewater and Fresh Water Samples, Mohammed Hamed Almalki
DNA Markers Identify Genetic Heritage between Chickadees near a Contact Zone in Illinois, Fahad M. Alshammari
Evaluation of Ecto-Mycorrhizae as a Determinant of Chestnut Growth and Stress Response, Pabitra Aryal
Effects of Asiatic Acid on Neurite Outgrowth in Neuro-2a Cells, Aishah Asiri
Comparative Leaf Anatomy of C3 and CAM Species in Oncidiinae (Maxillarieae, Orchidaceae), Samuel A. Eident
Gauging the Importance of Microhabitat in Qualitative Macroinvertebrate Sampling in an Effluent Dominated Stream, Samuel James Gradle
Effects of 17β Estradiol in the Metabolism and Morphology of Bluegill Sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), Neeta Parajulee Karki
The North American River Otter (Lontra canadensis) on the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site, Emily B. McCallen
Morphology and Variation in the Gargle Call in a Chickadee Hybrid Zone in Central Illinois, Shannon Marie Regan
Metabolic and Morphologic Shifts in Neuro2a Cells Cultured in Galactose Medium, Leah Welker
Theses from 2016
Seeing Red in a Sea of Green: Anthocyanin Production in a Carnivorous Plant, Pinguicula planifolia, Jenna Annis