Degree Name

Education Specialist (EdS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

James J. Reynolds


Since the end of World War II, Audiovisual education had developed rapidly. Today, instructional media and technology are requirements for teacher education.

The purpose of this study is to design an ideal instructional media center that meets the trend of instructional media development. In order to determine the type of instructional media center, a few factors need to be realized. One factor includes the nature and function of normal education of The Republic of China. The situation of the future developments of normal education. The situation of the economic future developments that influence the budget of the instructional media program.

This thesis is written in three parts. Part one is the introduction and items about the research: research motive, background of normal education of the Republic of China, research method and research objectives. Here, it is mentioned that the philosophy of normal education between the United States and The Republic of China is somewhat different. The function and organization of the Instructional Media Center of the Republic of China as compared to the IMC's of the United States Colleges are a few of the differences.

Part two states the ideal instructional media center. First by determining the developing direction and objective of the IMC. The servicing objects are from faculty to students, from on campus to off campus. The work items are from equipment servicing and media production to instructional media research and teaching guidance. According to the objective at the IMC that is determined, the work items of IMC consists of a list of ten items. To implement the work there is need of an organization, in order to easily develop the work of the IMC, it is suggested that there be two committees. The committees will include the administering people, like the director of each department.

Next discussed is the space and facilities of the IMC. The whole structure of the IMC building may not be very suitable, but each room of the IMC would have some reference value. Organization of the space must be according to the work of the IMC, the need of future development, and the organization of the IMC. Although the plan of the IMC is an ideal, it must be implemented to determine the equipment need, to think about what kind of equipment can be bought in the local stores and to think about what kind of media can be obtained to match the equipment. The final section of part two states research and evaluation functions. In order to implement and improve the whole function of the IMC, it can help to understand the real situation and to know what level the work is at.

Part three is conclusions and suggestions. From this field study, it has been felt that the IMC is the heart of a modern school or college. About the role of IMC in the future education development, it is believed that it must be more important than today. The implementation of new thought of education depends on the implementation of work of the IMC. The appearance of the IMC makes a revolution to the traditional education. The way of education cannot be limited to classroom again; it cannot be limited to textbook again; and it cannot be limited to teachers teaching again.

To improve the situation of the instructional media program of the Republic of China and to establish IMCs early, this paper gives suggestions which includ personnel training, audiovisual education course improvement, instructional media production and providing an IMC establishment.

The real ideal IMC cannot be designed by one person, but it must be started by one person.
