Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

William A. Weiler


Charleston, Illinois, a city located in east-central Illinois, recently implemented a new concept in a raw water system. Due to storage capacity-sedimentation problems in the old Lake Charleston-Embarras River raw water supply, the Charleston Pump Storage Reservoir was constructed. The new system involved building a dike separating the Lake Charleston impoundment from the Embarras River. Water to increase the storage capacity of the reservoir can now be selectively pumped into the impoundment from the river.

Raw water quality in the reservoir was monitored on a weekly basis for a full year from August, 1981 to August, 1982. The levels of total coliforms, fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, heterotrophic bacteria, and total phytoplankton were the microbiological tests performed. The alkalinity, hardness, nitrate, conductance, turbidity, and suspended solids (non-filterable residue) levels were also monitored. The data collected in the present study was compared to available data from the two years prior to the completion of the Charleston Pump Storage Reservoir.

It was concluded that the levels of nitrates and turbidity were reduced significantly and an improvement in the overall raw water quality was evident. In addition, the storage capacity has been increased four fold, and the problem of sedimentation has been decreased significantly.
