Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Stephen Swords


In this thesis, I examine the novels of Jim Thompson, Erskine Caldwell, and William Faulkner and, in turn, depict their exploration of poisoned childhood. This theme is prevalent in many of these authors' works, and I not only illustrate what horrors children are put through in their novels, but I also show that uncaring and unthinking adults are the root cause. The ruining of a child's life is a rippling problem; often times, adulthood is ruined because of a person's childhood.

I explore the devastation that irresponsible adults can have on their impressionable children. Through either neglect or selfish values, they ruin the development of their children. These children both learn from their parents and have terrible lives as a result of their parent's selfishness.

I also look at the exploitation of adolescent girls by lustful adults. Concentrating on young females, I show that both men and women will exploit the sexuality of young girls. This exploitation ruins both the female girl's conception of her role as a female and her ability to function in society. I show that a female's ability to grow as a unique individual is destroyed by these predetermined views.

Alienation is a major component of this thesis because it is such a common theme in many children's lives. Often times, children cannot adjust to the isolation they receive, leading to individual breakdown. This isolation come from all angles, including parents and public officials. Also, by using both The Criminal by Thompson and As I Lay Dying by Faulkner, I show that these authors use multiple narrative techniques to illustrate the isolation of a person. These writers show that a person can be alienated so much that their mental stability falls apart.

Physical abuse of a child is the most devastating of all the components of ruined childhood. Whether it is through physical violence or sexual abuse, the abuse of children determines the life they lead. From having self-consuming feelings of fear to becoming cold murderers, these children have had their life altered and destroyed by abusers. These adults poison children's lives not only initially but they also can devastatingly shape a child's adult life.

By looking at both the devastation of childhood and the continued destruction into adulthood, I explore the major components of ruined childhood in these writers' novels. By looking at the themes of parental irresponsibility and its effects on a child, the exploitation of adolescent girls, alienation, and abuse, I will use these three writers to uncover the reality that many children must face.
