Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Genie O. Lenihan


Previous research to determine which factors predict one's satisfaction with retirement documents varying results. 200 retired Eastern Illinois University professors were surveyed to determine the effects of two factors, locus of control and timing of retirement, considered important on retirement satisfaction. A comparison was made between internal and external locus of control subjects who were placed into three conditions: those who retire early (before age 61), those who retire within the normal or average range (ages 62-66), and those who retire late (later than age 67). The first hypothesis was that those who retire early will have the highest level of satisfaction. Those who retire late will have the lowest level of satisfaction; average age retirees will fall in the middle range. The second hypothesis tested was that retirees with an internal locus of control will be more satisfied with retirement than those with an external locus of control. In addition, covariates of self-efficacy and length of retirement were introduced to strengthen the analysis. No significant differences were found for retirement satisfaction and these factors. Limitations and implications for further research are discussed.

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Psychology Commons
