Plants by Genus Species
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Genus Species
Magnolia macrophylla
Common Name
Autumn Gold Maidenhair Tree
Link to Image of Plant
While never becoming a dominant tree, the bigleaf magnolia has a wide natural range in forests as far south as Georgia, west to Louisiana and Arkansas, north up to Ohio and Kentucky with it being most common in south central Mississippi. It prefers shady and moist areas along gorges (Callaway 1994).
Recommended Citation
Coons, Janice; Coutant, Nancy; and Whiteside, Wesley, "Magnolia macrophylla" (2011). Plants by Genus Species. 12.
From where or whom obtained and when: First plantings of Magnolia macrophylla started in the late 1960’s. Some seed was collected from Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania while other seed was obtained through the Magnolia Society. One seedling was collected in the wild north of Gatlinburg, Tennessee in “Boogertown,” TN and represents the only “pure white” form of flower that is grown at the Whiteside Garden. A “Whopper” clone graft was provided by Joe McDaniel of the University of Illinois Horticulture Department having large 18 inch flowers with extra petals and larger purple blotches at the base of the petals. This graft is in serious decline but has provided a thriving seedling that retained the “Whopper” characteristics.