I Belong!

CW Ervin, Western Illinois University

Carl Ervin is the interim Director of the Office of Justice Inclusion, Diversity and Equity at Western Illinois University. Mr. Ervin was previously the Acting Director of the Western Illinois University Multicultural Center. He has also had the privilege to have held positions within DEI and student success at universities in Wisconsin, Indiana, Missouri and other regions of Illinois.

Carl believes in the power of education and in creating opportunities for success. He is committed to fairness and justice, welcomes fresh ideas, participates in difficult conversations and works to make a positive change in the world each day. He embraces Mahatma Gandhi’s encouragement to “Be the change you wish to see in the world”.


With what at times seems to be a nation-wide backlash to DEI, Affirmative Action and other critical work to create multicultural campus communities, this session will offer ideas and hope to the individuals that embrace and promote higher learning in higher education.

How do we help those that question if there is support for them in today’s universities? Among the acknowledged methods to assist and support individuals is the creating of a sense of belonging. The creating of a sense of belonging is a critical part of the WIU process and the focus of this presentation. This session will offer key takeaways on the lessons learned and the inspirations gained at WIU.

Oct 20th, 9:00 AM Oct 20th, 10:00 AM

I Belong!

With what at times seems to be a nation-wide backlash to DEI, Affirmative Action and other critical work to create multicultural campus communities, this session will offer ideas and hope to the individuals that embrace and promote higher learning in higher education.

How do we help those that question if there is support for them in today’s universities? Among the acknowledged methods to assist and support individuals is the creating of a sense of belonging. The creating of a sense of belonging is a critical part of the WIU process and the focus of this presentation. This session will offer key takeaways on the lessons learned and the inspirations gained at WIU.