This exhibit , a collaboration between Dr. Deborah Reifsteck's FMD2234 Apparel Construction Fall 2024 student co-hort and Booth Library, features items produced by Lauren Bauman, Kaliyah Caples, Mikey Collman, Mikayla Harris, Emma Hill, Kendall Holtzhouser, Claire Meek, Gracie Jo Milby, Alexis Moore-Jones, Ashaureah Reed, Wyatt Stanley, and Kajah WIlliams.

The Make-Do & Mend movement is inspired by the resourceful repurposing of items during World War Il to conserve various materials. The exhibit and artists were honored at a reception on December 3, 2024, in Booth Library's Marvin Foyer.

Upcycled Fashion Instructor Reifsteck and Students

Browse the Upcycled Fashion: A Make-do and Mend Class Project Collections:

Upcycled Fashions: Artist Talks

Upcycled Fashion: Event Photos