This series collects videos of the artist talks given by students of the Fall 2024 FMD2234 Apparel Construction class. The students created the Upcycled Fashion exhibit, a harkening back to the World War II era Make-do and Mend movement.


Submissions from 2024

Alexis Moore-Jones: The Four Stages of Style, Todd Bruns

Ashaureah Reed: The Come Back, Todd Bruns

Deborah Reifsteck Discusses Student Works, Todd Bruns

Emma Hill: T-Shirt Blanket, Todd Bruns

Kaliyah Caples: DMG Dress, Todd Bruns

Lauren Bauman: Prom Dress to Bikini, Todd Bruns

Mikey Collman: A Tree Skirt from T-Shirts, Todd Bruns

Wyatt Stanley: Work Jacket, Todd Bruns