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This poster presents an analysis into the integration of circular design principles within renewable energy policies, comparing the approaches of Illinois, USA, and Germany. With the global shift towards renewable energy to combat climate change, the sustainable management of end-of-life (EoL) renewable assets has become crucial. The study utilizes a thematic analysis to explore seven key policies from Illinois and five from Germany, employing NVivo software to dissect aspects such as design strategies, support for innovation, and enforcement mechanisms.
Publication Date
Spring 4-19-2024
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Circular Design Principles, Circular Economy, End-of-Life Management, Renewable Energy, Sustainability, Policy Analysis, Recycling, Decommissioning, Illinois Renewable Energy, Germany Renewable Energy, Environmental Policy, Material Recovery, Solar Energy, Wind Energy
Environmental Policy | Environmental Studies | Policy Design, Analysis, and Evaluation | Sustainability
Recommended Citation
Nimaful, Samuel N., "Analysis of Circular Design Principles for the Sustainable End-of-Life Management of Renewable Energy Assets: Investigation of Illinois and Germany Renewable Energy Policies and Programs." (2024). 2024 Student Research and Creativity Conference. 1.
![Analysis of Circular Design Principles for the Sustainable End-of-Life Management of Renewable Energy Assets: Investigation of Illinois and Germany Renewable Energy Policies and Programs.](
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Environmental Policy Commons, Environmental Studies Commons, Policy Design, Analysis, and Evaluation Commons, Sustainability Commons