Every candidate who is granted the degree, Master of Science in Education, must present evidence of his ability to conduct an independent study and to report his findings in writing of a quality appropriate to the master's degree level of maturity. The report must be in a style and form acceptable in formal writing. It is recommended that the subject of the paper grow out of an aspect of Group II of the candidate's program of studies. The candidate may elect one of two plans for satisfying this requirement...
Plan B. Candidates electing to complete requirements under this plan may submit a term paper from a course in Group II in fulfillment of the requirement. To be acceptable for this purpose, the paper must be so certified by the candidate's adviser and the instructor of the course in which the paper is submitted. It is required that the original copy of the paper submitted under Plan B, appropriately bound, be deposited in the office of the Dean of the Graduate School.
From the Graduate Bulletin 1965-1967
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
Occupational Information in the Elementary School, Eleanor McCabe
Selection and Classification of Books and Periodicals Appropriate for a Basic Women's Physical Education Departmental Library, Kay W. Metcalf
A Study of the School Lunch Program in Lawrenceville, Illinois, David Samuel Mills
Ceramics: The History, Materials, and Manipulative Techniques of the Craft, James W. Mizener
School Plant Management and Maintenance, John F. Moomey
Evaluation of the Guidance Services at Lewistown Community High School, Phillip R. Murphy
Guidance for the Negro, Carl L. Owens
A Historical Sketch of Linear Measurement, Aaron W. Phillips
Beginning Instruction in the Communication Skills, Blanche Heath Price
High School Citizenship and its Implications at East Richland High School, Ronald E. Read
A Survey of the Audio-Visual Program in the Danville Public Schools, Danville, Illinois, Theodore V. Rhor
Should Retension be Used?, Thomas D. Rigdon
Adapted Physical Education, Kenton L. Rippetoe
Utilizing the Dropout Through Education and Employment, Phillip Dean Sanders
Music: An Important and Vital Part of the Curriculum, Richard E. Shoulders
A Survey of Guidance Evaluations, Dale M. Smith
A Follow Up Study of the 1960-1964 Graduating Classes of Arcola High School, Dorothy M. Smith
Meaningful Mathematics, Maurice F. Stauder
A Comparison of Ability Grouping and Individualized Reading for Slow Learners Taught Under Regular Classroom Conditions, Pauline C. Stoltz
Some Administrative Problems from Interscholastic Athletic Programs, Charles E. Stone
An Introduction to Programmed Learning, John M. Swick
The Relation of Home Environment to Selected Problems of Adolescent Girls, Nadine H. Tooley
Legal Liability in High School Athletics and Physical Education, Roger S. Voigt
A Follow-up Study of Nobel High School For the Years 1959-1963, Jones R. Walter Jr.
A Cinematographical Analysis of the Backward Roll to Handstand on the Parallel Bars, Alan William Weith
Psychological Approach to Distance Runnning, Stan F. Wiggam
A Survey of Teacher Attitudes Toward Half-Time Guidance Personnel in Comparison to Teacher Attitudes Toward Full-Time Guidance Personnel, Keith W. Wilhour
Rationale for the Marriage of Jonathan Swift and Stella, Nellie G. Wiseman
The Incidence of Head and Neck Injuries in Football, Ray M. Wurtsbaugh
A Study of the Aluminum Industry in Anglo-America, Robert K. Younger
Theses/Dissertations from 1964
From Lady Mary to Lady Bute: An Analysis of the Letters, Russell Atkins
Satan, Adam and Eve: One Common, Esther Herring Baker
A Survey of Counselor Qualification and Guidance Time Available in Selected Secondary Schools in Illinois, Garland B. Bryan
A Method of Evaluating Women Resident Assistants Performance Through Their Recognized with Residents, Lucille H. Bush
Budget Standards for the Expenditure of Public Funds for Audio-Visual Programs, Philip D. Carlock
Comprehensive Final Examinations for Wookwork Area of the General Shop, Francis E. Cole
A Descriptive Study Concerning Grading and Reporting to Parents in the Elementary Schools of East Central Illinois, Helene A. Dalton
The History of Basketball: St. Anthony High School, Albert Thomas Dicenso
Implications for Education in the Psychology of Perception: Theory and Experimentation, Martha Joan Doemelt
A Floristic Study of the Conspicious Flowering Plants in Terms of the Ecological Zones of Southeastern Wyoming, Marianne B. Doyle
A Proposed Physical Education Program for High School Boys at Kansas, Illinois, Lloyd D. Eggers
Administrative Guide for Football at St. Teresa High School Decatur, Robert J. Ernst
Comparison of Insurance in Two Different Athletic Conferences in the State of Illinois, William R. Estes
Plasmy Physics, Carrol Dean Farmer
Community Recreation for the Well-Aging, Dennis Fickes
A Study of Some Characteristics of Grade Point Averages of Freshmen Men in a Residence Hall, George L. Fielding
Special Problems fto the Counseling of Junior High School Children From Foster Homes, Margaret Slattery Fiorillo
Employment Information on Charleston, Illinois, for use by Persons with an Education of less than Grade Twelve, Marion A. Fiorillo
Analysis of Newton Consolidated Grade School Survey, Denver A. Foltz
Some Suggestions for Teachers of Indian Children for Use in Yuma County School District #27, A. B. Fox
Analysis and State Comparisons of the Vocational Education Act of 1963, Edward Henry Freeman
The Effect of Annual Precipitation on the Growth Rate of Pinus Contorta in the Redfeather Lakes Area: Roosevelt National Forest, Leslie A. Freeman
Insurance Coverage for High School Athletic Teams, Richard D. Fulk
The Role of Wrestling in High School Athletics, Robert G. Fulk
Color and Its Application to the Industrial Arts Laboratory, Patrick Gilbert
Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance, David M. Hannah
Parental Opinions of the Guidance Desired for High School Children, Ronald Trent Harper
Three Recurring Themes in the Plays of Arthur Miller, Lawrence R. Hart
Relationships of Social_Economic Values to Administrative Principles Among School Board Members, Fred Hattabaugh
A Handbook of Field Trips for the Elementary School in Mattoon, Illinois, James E. Higgins
Some Basic Concepts in the Graphing of Linear Functions at the Ninth Grade Level, Paul D. Highsmith
The Furniture, Equipment, and Layout of the Busines Rooms as Proposed for Westville High School, Anna Z. Hill
A Study of Clues Used by High School Counselors in Terminating Counseling Sessions, Pierre J. Hoover
The Relationship of Selected Factors to the Attendance of Pupils of Annapolis School, Lovell A. Horath
Graphing and Beginning Analytic Geometry, Don E. Hutton
The Development of Art Education in America 1900-1918, Jerry Josserand
Mutual Funds--A Special Emphasis on the Development, Robert E. Kahl
Civil Rights and the Negro, 1875-1900, Charles H. Karr
Conference Regulations of Athletic Competition in Comparison to Illinois High School Association By-Laws, Daniel L. Kelley
Reading Readiness in the Kindergarten, Evelyn L. Kline
Physical Conditioning Program for Students Ages Four to Fifteen, Phillip T. Lorenc
Expenditure and Income Analysis of Thirteen Central Illinois School Districts, Royce L. Marble
The Elementary Teacher's Role in a Guidance Program, Paul E. McQueen
An Evaluation of the Writings of Dorothy Wordsworth, Sandra Sue Oakley
The Advisability of an Interscholastic Atletic Program in the Junior High School, Alan E. Pahde
Survey of Programs for the Gifted in Illinois Secondary Schools, James L. Parkes
Supervision of Physical Education, Robert Parrish
The High School Principal's Role in the Guidance Program and the Services Provided to the Principal by the Guidance Counselor, William W. Patterson
Some Present Factors and Conditions Influencing Junior High School Wrestling in the State of Illinois, Erik John Pederson Jr.
Developing Musical Understanding and Responsiveness in the Elementary Music Program Through the Playing of Classroom Instruments, Joy M. Phillips
A Survey of Materials Centers in Laboratory Schools, Peggy Ann Pool
Possibilities for Using Programmed Learning in Industrial Arts, Terry A. Rage
The Forces of Conflict and Change Faced by the Puerto Ricans in New York City, Carole L. Reuther
An Evaluation of the Present Grading System in Danville, Illinois Schools, Gary C. Rogers
A Comparative Analysis of the Demonstration and Self-Instruction Techniques in Teaching 16mm Projector Operation, Paul Clinton Rusk
Duties of Suburban Cook County Common Elementary School Superintendents, Royal Allen Senn
Fish Population Recovery in Two Poisoned Streams, Gary Seymour
The Relationship of Elizabeth to Machiavelli, Allen Skeleton
Arthur Elementary Teachers Opinions of Instructional Television, Edgar D. Smitley
A Survey of the Literature for the Current Trends in the Instructional Materials Concept, Donnie L. Tolliver
A Survey of the Guidance Services at Bremen High School, Donald F. Vechiola
A Study of the Nongraded Elementary School with a Particular Reference to the Experience at Old Bonhomme School District of Laude St. Louis County, Missouri, Harriet B. Walker
A Study of Selected Viewpoints Concerning Love, John W. Wallace
A Study of Electric Utilities in the United States with Emphasis Upon Union Electric Xompany of St. Louis, Missouri, Joseph D. Warnelis
The Prevailing Image of the Gifted as Projected by Selected Popular Periodical Literature Published, Eleanor Luanne Webb
The Development of a Movement Vocabulary for Use in the Analysis of Selected Kicking Skills, Martha Gentry Weldon
Guidance and Counseling Activities in the Co-op Business Programs, Duane F. Welton
Techniques and Procurements of Audio_Visual Aids for Mathematics, Robert Doyle White