
North American Management Society

The North American Management Society (NAMS) focuses on management scholars and practitioners in North America, the United States and Canada, and other interested individuals. Most of our members are from smaller educational institutions and from practitioners in profit and nonprofit organizations.

NAMS seeks scholarly works by academics and management practitioners from large and small organizations, for-profit and not-for-profit, in all areas of management. We hope to learn from each others' works in original paper sessions as well as cases and panel discussions.

NAMS is a scholarly society that is a peer-supportive, constructive organization. We help each other strengthen our work. We do not score points for putting people down or "nailing" people. Where a paper can be improved, encouraging support and guidance, with suggestions for improvements, in a friendly manner, is OUR WAY. Every one wins when the authors are aided and a paper is improved, and the science is thus strengthened.

NAMS Mission Statement

1. We are an inclusive “group” of “Management” scholars in learning and practicing organizations.

2. We foster the development and distribution of new knowledge in “Management.”

3. We value new knowledge in Management that comes from practitioner innovations as well as formal and informal research activities in schools, colleges, and universities.

4. We recognize that new knowledge in Management occurs as a result of dialogues between individuals as well as experimentation in the field by practitioners and scholars; by studies in laboratories; and by observations of individuals, groups, and institutions.

5. Since Management is necessary in ALL organizations, we seek new knowledge in the field from individuals in ALL organizations, profit and nonprofit, government and business.

6. We seek to develop and distribute new knowledge in ALL AREAS of Management of All Types of Organizations.