



In cases involving unionization of graduate student research and teaching assistants at private U.S. universities,

the National Labor Relations Board has, at times, denied collective bargaining rights on the presumption that

unionization would harm faculty--student relations and academic freedom. Using survey data collected from

PhD students in five academic disciplines across eight public U.S. universities, the authors compare

represented and non-represented graduate student employees in terms of faculty--student relations, academic

freedom, and pay. Unionization does not have the presumed negative effect on student outcomes, and in some

cases has a positive effect. Union-represented graduate student employees report higher levels of personal and

professional support, unionized graduate student employees fare better on pay, and unionized and

nonunionized students report similar perceptions of academic freedom. These findings suggest that potential

harm to faculty--student relationships and academic freedom should not continue to serve as bases for the

denial of collective bargaining rights to graduate student employees.

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