



AFT represents approximately 55,000 adjuncts. These adjuncts are in a variety of units. There are 99,000 members in 72 full-time/part-time locals; approximately 35,00 of these are part-time adjuncts. There are 10,300 adjuncts in 21 part-time locals that are affiliated with full-time locals. At 20 institutions, AFT represents over 9,800 part-time adjunct faculty in stand-alone units. All of these adjunct locals have contributed much to the union movement, and at the same time, they have put pressure on the union movement for change. It is not surprising, therefore, to see that adjuncts have made gains in their march toward equity with full-time college instructors. These gains have been produced through pressure put on college administrations by the adjuncts themselves and by the full-time faculty who walk hand in hand with them. There have been significant gains made by part-time contingent faculty, but not all of these gains are the result of collective bargaining. Looking at some of the AFT contracts, the state of contingent faculty does indeed appear to be rosy—at least on the surface.

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