"Drinking Games Among College Students" by Emily Schumacher

Creative Commons License

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The purpose of this study was to explore, analyze, and compare the attitudes, behaviors, consequences, and reasons for participation in drinking games among college students. An 11-item questionnaire was created and used to survey respondents. Face and content validity were established by using an expert panel. The survey included demographic, behavioral, and attitudinal information and consisted of yes or no, multiple choice, and ranking questions. The data was analyzed through descriptive statistics using SPSS. Data was reported by frequencies and percentages. Descriptive studies allowed the researcher to gain a better understanding of the attitudes and behaviors of college students participating in drinking games. The main conclusion of this study was that college students play drinking games to socialize, meet new people, to get drunk, and to relieve anxiety when socializing. Overall, the study indicated that drinking games are a major area of concern because, of the sample, 92.9% reported participation in drinking games, with only 7.1% having never played.

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