Theses from 1991
The Perpetual Journey: Jonathan Edwards' "Personal Narrative" and Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography, Pamela A. Masden
The "Double Sorwe" of Troylus and Criseyde: An analysis of Chaucer's dramatic tragedy, Suzanne Renae McLaughlin
Destination Zero: A Play in One Act, Deborah L. Muller
Killer Trees and Homicidal Grass: The Anthropomorphic Landscape in the American Prose Narrative of the Vietnam War, Timothy F. Poremba
Americans Define Themselves in the New World, Judith Richards
The Private Renaissance of J.J. Reeves, Alma J. Watson
The Rhetoric of Documentation: Two Approaches, Walt Wisnewski
Theses from 1990
The Zen of Stevens, Rebecca Dickens
The Voices Of Protest In Uncle Tom'S Cabin And Native Son, Tim M. Ipema
"I belong to me": Toni Morrison's Novels as Bildungsroman, Angela L. Jones
Selective Methods of Teaching Secondary English: The Scarlet Letter: A Study and Application of the Collaborative and Mastery Learning Methods, Janine M. Kardas
The Sonnet Is Alive And Well- A Study Of The Sonnets Of Richard Wilbur, John Berryman, And Gwendolyn Brooks, Michael Krenz
Politics And The Narrative In Paul Scott'S Raj Quartet, Richard Morris
David Copperfield and Great Expectations: A Comparison of Dickens' Bildungsromane, Donald R. Price
The white witch: Emily Dickinson and colonial American witchcraft, Amy M. Sparks
Tristram Shandy and the editors: A question of reading perspective, Karen Whisler
Theses from 1989
Empathy For Captain Ahab, Ronda S. Dively
Chaucer's Troilus and Shakespeare's Troilus: A Comparison of Their Declines, Laura Devon Flesor
Two Halves into the Water, Michael Kuo
Mainlining, Philip L. Simpson
Learning to Forage, Daniel Von Holten
Brotherly Love In Dostoevsky'S The Brothers Karamazov, Robert Welsh
Theses from 1988
The Influence Of Male-Female Relationships On The Self-Development Of Maya Angelou, Susanne Bartsch
Pilar and Brett: Female Heroes in Hemingway, Jean Kover Chandler
Preservation of the Family Unit in Adolescent Novels, Mary M. Hutchings
Tutoring German ESL Students, Sabina Mussgnug
Zora Neale Hurston’s Search for Identity in Moses, Man of the Mountain, Joan E. Sebastian
Suppression, repression, and expression: Black anger in Huckleberry Finn, Pudd'nhead Wilson, and The marrow of tradition, Tammy F. Veach
Theses from 1987
The Technical Achievement of C. Rossetti in Goblin Market and Other Poems, Jay D. Fisk
“What thyng it is that wommen moost desiren”: Image and Self-Realization in The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale, Thomas W. Köhn
Jean Toomer's Cane: A Work in the American Grotesque Genre, Kathryn M. Olsen
Theses from 1986
Instruction and Entertainment: Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale, Marco L. Bergandi
Dream in the Fiction of Nathanael West, James M. Caldwell
The Battle of the Wills in Samuel Richardson's Clarissa, Ruth M. Cook
A Directory of Loose Ends, Angelique Cain Jennings
An Application of Mikhail Bakhtin’s Theory of the Grotesque to the Fiction of Flannery O’Connor, Holly Roberts
Wit and Humor in ASL, Keila Tooley
Theses from 1985
E. Taylor's Use of Canticles, Clella J. Camp
Desperate Laughter, Sara Farris
Handmaidens of God: The female figures Judith, Juliana, and Elene in Old English heroic poetry, Anita Obermeier Hodge
"Failed Love" in the Drama of Edward Albee, Steven Leonard Long
Wordsworth's The Prelude: Critical Tradition and Beyond, Manuela Mourao
Nature vs Society in the Works of Stephen Crane, Rodney R. Parker
Mark Twain's Confidence Men, Sharon K. Scruton
The Law and Mark Twain, Jeff Andrew Weigel
Theses from 1984
A Comparative Study of Filipino and American Student Essays: Common Errors and Sentence Length, Paz Navarro Canilao
Time in John Cheever's The Housebreaker of Shady Hill, Charles M. Elliott
"Training" and Twain's Discovery of Its Role in His Major Novels, Gary Dale Ervin
A light amid the darkness: An analysis of sin and its effects on the individual in The Scarlet Letter and The Marble Faun, Tina L. Townsend Winings
Theses from 1983
A study of Chaucer's Pandarus: His character, his actions, his motives, Zita Cobble
The Mysterium Coniunctionis: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self, Shirley Savage
The Perception of Coincidence: Artistic Symmetry in the "Wandering Rocks" Episode of James Joyce's Ulysses, James A. Scruton
Freedom at Midday: Elements of Existentialism in the Works of Ambrose Bierce, Sharon A. Winn
Theses from 1982
Charles Simic: Trends Toward an International Poetry, Denise Clark
A Room of One's Own: The Women's Room, Lou Ellen Crawford
Infinite Intellectual Leap-Frog: Tracing Three Character Voices Through Four of Tom Stoppard's Works--Lord Malquist and Mr. Moon, Albert's Bridge, Jumpers, and Dirty Linen, Judy Laurene Donaldson
The Treatment of Women in the History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, Cindy Fritz
Virginia Woolf: A Study in Style, Gregory Lee Manifold
There's No Place Like Home: The Haunted House as Literary Motif, Mary Catherine McDaniel
The Pessimistic Themes of The Mysterious Stranger as Reflected in Mark Twain's Previous Novels, Judy Dale Hill Walker
The Family in Modern Northern Irish Drama, Ray Wallace
Theses from 1981
The Influence of Women in Vardis Fisher’s Western Literature, Sylvia L. Alderton
Marlowe's Doctor Faustus Finds Reality: In the Comic Mask, Eva Marie Enis
The Endlessly Elaborating Poem: A Comparative Study of Walt Whitman, Wallace Stevens, and the American Experimental, Long Narrative Poem, Paul Freidinger
Character Motivation and Definition Through Dialog in the Memory Plays of Harold Pinter, Douglas E. Grohne
The Biblical View of the Fall of Man in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Marble Faun, Lois Darlene Hanson
From Ritual to Resurrection: The Exploratory Poetic of Seamus Heaney, Susan L. Morris
Chekhov, the Doctor as Dramatist: A Study of the Four Major Plays, Gloria Rhoads
Theses from 1980
The Innocent Narrator in Mark Twain's Roughing It, John R. Fisher
Herman Melville and Paul Tillich: An Ontological Interpretation of Billy Budd, Michael E. Gress
Escape from Reality: A Comparative Study of Bleak House and Little Dorrit, Julie L. McMillen
Theses from 1979
Fitzgerald's Use of the Four Elements in The Great Gatsby, John Philip Hawkins
Functions of Menace: A Comparison of The Room and The Birthday Party, Lee R. Martin
Polar Opposites in Hermann Hesse's Novels, Karen Lea Nead
Fielding's Clergymen, Kathleen Marie Puhr
Saul Bellow's Henderson the Rain King: A Fusion of the Comic and the Serious, George William Russo
From Selflessness to Selfishness: Various Types of Deception in Four of Twain's Novels, Kay L. Smith
Theses from 1978
Melville and Beckett: A Legacy of Pessimism, Jeanette Elaine Bahnke
Creating an Environment Which Produces Improved Student Writing, George David Brown
Depiction of Blacks in the Works of Ernest Hemingway, Sheila Marie Foor
L. Frank Baum and the Technology of Love, Robert Bruce Goble
Oedipa In Quest Of Herself In The Crying Of Lot 49, James Edward Osborn
The Rite of Initiation in Pinter's The Birthday Party, Richard C. Slocum
The Influence Of Alcohol On Ernest Hemingway'S Fictional Characters, Gary Nelson Thomas
Theses from 1977
The Acceptance and Rejection of Courtly Love by the Lovers in Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde, Michael Jerome Baldwin
V. S. Naipaul: The Development of His View of Man, Kim Lin Forrester
Howells, Marriage, and Swedenborg: The Influence of Swedenborg's Teachings on Howells' Portrayal of Marriage in His Novels, Nancy Danner Marlow
The Troubled Ecstasy of Yeats's "Purgatory" and "At the Hawk's Well", Gregory Michael Sadlek
The Role of Betrayal in Selected Drama of Tennessee Williams, Craig E. Sanderson
From Rendezvous to Picket Fence: Tracing the Changing Frontier and Novelistic Development in A. B. Guthrie, Jr.'s Western Pentology, Raymond Charles Schmudde
Female Initiates in Faulkner, Nancy Joan White
William Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience: From Innocence to Experience to Wise Innocence, Robert W. Winkleblack
Theses from 1976
Father and Sons in Bernard Malamud's The Natural and The Assistant, John Timothy Dailey
The Sound and the Fury: A Study of Jason Compson and His Relationships with Women, Shari J. Fitzgerald
A Criticism of Elder Olson's Poetic Method, Ernest Edward Force II
Romanticism and Evangelical Christianity in William Cowper's The Task, Carol V. Johnson
The Theme of Othello, James Irving Krumrey
The Endless Journey: William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying and John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath: A Comparative Study, Sherri L. Lawrence
Page and stage: A structural investigation of Agatha Christie's "Three Blind Mice" and "The Mousetrap", Martha Morrow