
NCSCBHEP Proceedings 1978

National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions



p.5 Introduction

p.13 Joel Segall - Welcoming Address

p.14 Harold Newman - Keynote Address

p.18 Barry N. Steiner - The Impact of Collective Bargaining Upon Those Who Govern Higher Education - I

p.29 Samuel J. Wakshull - The Impact of Collective Bargaining Upon Those Who Govern Higher Education - II

p.34 Irvin Sobel - The College Professor as Employee: Workload and Productivity - I

p.44 James Durham - The College Professor as Employee: Workload and Productivity - II

p.46 Harold E. Yuker - Measuring Faculty Productivity

p.50 Lewis B. Kaden - How Governors View Collective Bargaining in Higher Education

p.57 Matthew W. Finkin - Influences and Patterns in Public and Private Campus Bargaining - Regional and Legal Differences and the Impact of the Political Setting - I

p.64 Robert D. Helsby - Influences and Patterns in Public and Private Campus Bargaining - Regional and Legal Differences p.73 Morton S. Baratz - The Fiscal Outlook for Higher Education

p.79 William M. Fulkerson, Jr. -The Fiscal Outlook - A Background for Negotiations

p.85 Louis D. Beer - The Anatomy of a Strike (Oakland University) - The Faculty Position

p.94 Robert A. Maxwell - The Anatomy of a Strike (Oakland University) - A Management Perspective

p.104 Leon Cornfield - The Anatomy of a Strike (Oakland University) - The Mediator's View

p.106 Theodore H. Lang - Summation:

p.109 The Distinguished National Advisory Committee

p.110 The National Center's Faculty Advisory Committee

p.112 Publications, 1979

Recommended Citation

National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions (1978) "NCSCBHEP Proceedings 1978," Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy.
Available at: https://thekeep.eiu.edu/jcba/pre-2006/6
