
NCSCBHEP Proceedings 1975

National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions


Table of Contents

Order of speeches for the Journal of the Third Annual Conference of the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education.

Introduction Page

p.11 Alfred A. Giardino - Keynote Address
p.14 Joseph Garbarino - Collective Bargaining's Impact on Governance
p.23 Frank Thompson, Jr. - The U. S. Congress and Public Employee Legislation
p.28 Sheldon Steinbach - Federal Legislation for Public Employees, A Management Perspective
p.38 Stephen Perelson - Federal Legislation for Public Employees, A Union Perspective
p.45 Donald C. Savage - The Canadian Experience: Collective Bargaining in Higher Education
p.51 D. V. George - The Canadian Experience: Collective Bargaining in Higher Education
p.60 Richard Chait - Collective Bargaining and Tenure - A Collision Course?
p.68 Irwin Polishook - A Reaction to Chait's Address
p.74 Jerome M. Staller - Collective Bargaining and the Two-Year Colleges
p.88 Kent M. Weeks - Private College Bargaining Problems
p.93 Thomas Emmet - Dispute Settlement Techniques
p.103 Margaret Chandler - Management Rights in College Contracts
p.118 Joseph Crowley - Disparities Between University and Private Sector Collective Bargaining
p.123 Susan Fratkin - Collective Bargaining and Affirmative Action
p.133 The Distinguished Advisory Committee to the Center

Recommended Citation

National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions (1975) "NCSCBHEP Proceedings 1975," Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy.
Available at: https://thekeep.eiu.edu/jcba/pre-2006/3
