
NCSCBHEP Proceedings 1974

National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions


Table of Contents

Order of speeches for the Journal of the Second Annual Conference of the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education.


p.9 Theodore W. Kheel-How Do College Gentlemen Break Impasses?

p.14 Thomas A. Shipka-Collective Bargaining on the Campus-The Tip of the Iceberg

p.21 Sanford Schneider-Differing Faculty Tasks; Differing Faculty Structure; Differing Collective Bargaining

p.27 Bruce MacDonald-Differing Faculty Tasks; Differing Faculty Structure; Differing Collective Bargaining?

p.35 Ralph E. Kennedy-NLRB and Faculty Bargaining Units: The Charting of an Uncharted Area

p.51 Caesar Naples-Collegiality and Collective Bargaining: They Belong Together

p.58 Lawrence DeLucia-Collegiality and Collective Bargaining: Oil and Water

p.61 Maurice C. Benewitz and Thomas M. Mannix--The CUNY Grievance and Arbitration Experience: What Docs It Teach About Collective Bargaining?

p.70 Judith P. Vladeck-The Uses of the Past in Bargaining Relationships

p.77 Carl R. Westman-The Inappropriateness of the Past for the Future

p.83 Robert Birnbaum-The Effects of Collective Bargaining on Faculty Compensation in Higher Education

p.97 Donald E. Walters-Do Students Have A Place in Collective Bargaining?

p.102 Alan Shark-Do Students Have Any Place in Collective Bargaining?

p.106 Norman Swenson-Do Students Have Any Place in Collective Bargaining?

p.111 The Distinguished Advisory Committee to the Center

Recommended Citation

National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions (1974) "NCSCBHEP Proceedings 1974," Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy.
Available at: https://thekeep.eiu.edu/jcba/pre-2006/2
