Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Eastern Illinois University Research | The Keep

Director: Jeannie Ludlow

Women’s Studies is an area of study based on the understanding that gender is a fundamental category of social and cultural analysis. Women’s Studies aims to:

  • stimulate and promote new scholarship in Women’s Studies, including work on women, gender, and other social categories
  • encourage traditional departments to broaden their fields of study to include gender as a category of analysis

The analysis of women’s perspectives has enriched our understanding of historical change, social, economic, and political life, and the arts and sciences. In addition, Women’s Studies highlights the necessity of considering race, socioeconomic status, sexual identity, nationality, and other social categories, particularly as these intersect with gender.

Women’s Studies is an interdisciplinary field of study that draws on the arts, humanities, education, social sciences, sciences, and technology for its theories and methods.

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