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The 2020-2021 academic year is truly extraordinary and higher education’s new, hopefully temporary, normal began on rather short notice in Spring 2020. While our environment has changed, we, as a shared community, are pleased that the important work of faculty continues and evolves as faculty broaden and redefine the boundaries of scholarship, creativity, and innovation in accelerating hybrid and remote environments. And, as new forms and strategies for scholarship and creativity emerge, the core principles of faculty life and student learning remain central to the mission of Eastern Illinois University.
For that reason, our faculty, department chairs, college deans, the Provost, and the entire campus community celebrate the achievements and outstanding contributions of our colleagues and students to their disciplines and professions every year. And, as the following pages illustrate, faculty engaged in continuing scholarly and creative activities have provided outstanding mentoring experiences for our undergraduate and graduate students.
In addition to celebrating faculty productivity, research excellence and creative contributions, we will also recognize faculty and student recipients whose contributions have been recognized as exemplary. Specifically, the program celebrates the recipients of the Edwin L. “Bud” May award, the 2020 Distinguished Faculty Member, and EIU’s premier graduate student awards, as well as the Dean’s Award of Excellence in Summer Research and Creative Activity and all 2020 summer award recipients.
- Barbara Bonnekessen, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
- Austin Cheney, Lumpkin College of Business & Technology
- Richard England, Sandra & Jack Pine Honors College
- Özlem Ersin, College of Health & Human Services
- Jay Gatrell, Office of Academic Affairs
- Laretta Henderson, College of Education
- Ryan Hendrickson, The Graduate School
- Zach Newell, Booth Library
Publication Date
Fall 2020
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Eastern Illinois University
Charleston, IL
EIU, Publishing Scholars, Eastern Illinois University
Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences
Recommended Citation
Bruns, Todd and Heldebrandt, Beth, "2020 Celebration of Scholarship, Creativity, and Engagement" (2020). Programs. 9.

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