Submissions from 1995
06/06/1995 - Proud Moment Dominick J Bufalino, University Marketing and Communications
06/06/1995 - Proud Moment Lisa Promis, Catherine DeGraaf, and Jeromy Alt, University Marketing and Communications
06/06/1995 - Proud Moment Michael Douglas Kruger, University Marketing and Communications
06/06/1995 - Proud Moment Nancy H Froleich.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/07/1995 - Area Students On EIU Deans List.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/07/1995 - Ballard Recipient Of Freshman Chemistry Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/07/1995 - Blake Wood Addresses Graduates.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/07/1995 - Burton Recipient Of Freshman Chemistry Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/07/1995 - Logsdon Recipient Of Chemistry Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/07/1995 - Nolan Recipient Of Chemistry Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/07/1995 - Songer Recipient Of McKinney Graduate Scholarship.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/07/1995 - Summer School Program Designed To Meet Students Needs.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/07/1995 - Venhaus Recipient Of Analytical Chemistry Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/09/1995 - Camps And Conferences Give EIU Life In The Summer.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/12/1995 - Wiiliams To Retire.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/13/1995 - Jorns Out Of Running For Presidency At Northern Iowa.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/14/1995 - Continuing Student Scholarship Recipients.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/14/1995 - Proud Moment Tasha Evans.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/15/1995 - 1995 23rd Annual Speech Communication Camp At EIU.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/15/1995 - Girls State Speakers.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/20/1995 - Falk Leaving Eiu.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/20/1995 - Schnackel Appointed Housing Director.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/21/1995 - Eastern Graduate Serves as Illinois Legislative Staff Intern, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Blank Receives Two Rotc Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Bryant Receives Rotc Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Clark Receives Rotc Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Decker Elected Student Body Vice President For Academic Affairs.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Duda Receives Two Rotc Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Eleven Graduates Receive Army Commissions.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Fulton Receives Rotc Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Hamm Receives Rotc Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Kas Receives Four Rotc Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Mattson Receives Three Rotc Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - McManus Receives ROTC Cadet Awards, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Patterson Receives Rotc Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Pfister Receives Rotc Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Rich Named Acting Alumni Director.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Roberts Receives Rotc Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Scarcliff Receives Three Rotc Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/22/1995 - Shreder Receives Rotc Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Alpha Sigma Lambda Inducts New Members.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Anselment Receives Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Area Students Receive Business Awards Maier Morris.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Area Students Receive Business Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Area Students Receives Business Award Fabian Ryan.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Area Students Receives Business Awards Bauer Waterman.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Area Students Receives Business Awards Bradbury Jackson.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Area Students Receives Business Awards Brooks Koeberlein.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Atkinson Receives Business Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Benny Receives Business Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Brooke Receives Directors Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Brooks Recipient Of Business Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Cantona Receives Appreciation Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Duck Receives Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Four Area Students Receive Business Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Glick Receives Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Goby Recipient Of Business Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Goodman Recipient Of Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Hesterman Receives bunge Scholarship.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Hutton Receives Directors Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Jackson Receives Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Kampwerth Recipient Of Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Kettelkamp Recipient Of Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Kirk Recipient Of Business Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Koon Recipient Of Business Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Martin Receives Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Massett Recipient of Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Miller Recipient of Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Nance Receives Deans Cirlce Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Parish Recipient of Business Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Pilon Recipient of Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Pranica Receives Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Ramholz Recipient of Business Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Roan Recipient of Dougherty Scholarship.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Shepard Receives Business Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Sisk Receives Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Swami Receives Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Themas Recipient of Faculty Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Three Area Students Receives Business Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Two Area Students Receives Business Awards Atkinson and Robson, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Waterman Receives Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Williams Receives Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Wiltgen Receives Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/23/1995 - Young Recipient of Business Award.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/26/1995 - "Just-in-Time" Workshop at EIU, University Marketing and Communications
06/26/1995 - QS-9000 Seminar at EIU, University Marketing and Communications
06/27/1995 - Drake Assumes New Responsibilities.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/27/1995 - Maurer Retires After 33 Years at Eastern, University Marketing and Communications
06/28/1995 - Area Students On EIU Deans List Brad Costanzo.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/28/1995 - Area Students On EIU Deans List Daniel Brown.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/28/1995 - Area Students On EIU Deans List Denise Vodeharr.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/28/1995 - Area Students On EIU Deans List William Hackler.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/29/1995 - Crouse Retires After 27 Years at EIU, University Marketing and Communications
06/29/1995 - Foregn Languages Merger Gets Green Light, University Marketing and Communications
06/30/1995 - Beryl McEwen Receives Award, University Marketing and Communications
06/30/1995 - Dudley Receives Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/30/1995 - EIU May Graduates Named, University Marketing and Communications
06/30/1995 - Elmuti Named Distinguished Business Professor.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/30/1995 - Joint Statement Issued.pdf, University Marketing and Communications
06/30/1995 - Thaddeus McEwen Receives Awards.pdf, University Marketing and Communications