"A Summary to Determine the Preparational Backgrounds of Guidance Perso" by Rudy G. Gonzales

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)


Guidance personnel have become indispensable auxiliaries to administrators and teachers and are increasing the efficiency of our schools. Title V, National Defense Education Act of 1958; Public Law 85-864 made provisions for counseling and testing services. These services can serve as a medium in !1elping and urging young people to live up to their potential and to choose wisely and realistically ti1e careers that will mold their lives. This provision has undoubtedly given impetus to the guidance movement. Guidance counselors need to recognize that in their training a variety of skills are necessary for t!1e healtl1y growth of children. They must maintain a leadership role in education both today and in the future. Several decades ago teachers did the job of guidance without the aid of auxiliaries. They must have done a wonderful job, and actually did counseling work without getting credit for it. It must be remembered however that these are changing times and that the school era before the guidance movement was truly the era of mass education where students were treated alike.

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