Faculty Research & Creative Activity

Faculty Research & Creative Activity



Submissions from 2011

Invited Speaker, “Memories of Earthquake, Violence, and Trauma in Modern Japanese History.”, Jinhee Lee


From Cotton Field to Schoolhouse: African American Education in Mississippi, 1862–1875, Debra Reid


What Will Become of the Children? A Novel of a German Family in the Twilight of Weimar Berlin, Sace Elder


Engineers at War, by Adrian G. Traas, Edmund Wehrle


Review: McCormick-International Harvester Company Collection McCormick-International Harvester Company Collection by Lee Grady, Debra Reid


Review: McCormick-International Harvester Company Collection McCormick-International Harvester Company Collection by Lee Grady, Debra A. Reid

Panelist, "Creative Tensions, Challenging Environments: The Arts & Humanities as Drivers of Interdisciplinary Change.", Jinhee Lee


America and the World: Culture, Commerce, Conflict, Lawrence Peskin and Edmund Wehrle

Submissions from 2010

10.01.08, Alduc-Le Bagousse, ed., Inhumations de prestige ou prestige de linhumation?, Bailey Young


Charles R. Foy review of David Brion Davis, “Inhuman Bondage,” in Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 27:1 (Winter 2010): 84-87., Charles Foy

Charles R. Foy review of David Brion Davis, “Inhuman Bondage,” in Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 27:1 (Winter 2010): 84-87., Charles R. Foy


Geoarchaeological investigations of a medieval castle and outer Bailey (Walhain, Belgium), Laurent Verslype, W. Woods, Bailey Young, Inès Leroy, and Paul Hudson


Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World (review), Charles Foy

Kinship Myth in Ancient Greece, Lee Patterson


Murder Scenes: Normality, Deviance, and Criminal Violence in Weimar Berlin, Sace Elder


Review: ALAN HARDY, ANNE DODD, GRAHAM D. KEEVILL, et al., Aelfric's Abbey: Excavations at Eynsham Abbey, Oxfordshire, 1989-92., Bailey Young


Review: ALAN HARDY, ANNE DODD, GRAHAM D. KEEVILL, et al., Aelfric's Abbey: Excavations at Eynsham Abbey, Oxfordshire, 1989-92., Bailey K. Young


Review: Wasperton: A Roman, British and Anglo-Saxon Community in Central England, Martin Carver, ed., Bailey Young


Review: Wasperton: A Roman, British and Anglo-Saxon Community in Central England, Martin Carver, ed., Bailey K. Young


Strabo, Local Myth, and Kinship Diplomacy, Lee Patterson


Walhain/Walhain-saint-Paul, le château et sa basse-cour, Laurent Verslype, Bailey Young, W. Woods, and Paul Hudson


Politics of Cartography: Mapping Dokdo/Takeshima between Korea and Japan, Jinhee Lee


Book review: The Proletarian Gamble: Korean Workers in Interwar Japan. By Ken C. Kawashima, Jinhee Lee


Book review: The Proletarian Gamble: Korean Workers in Interwar Japan. By Ken C. Kawashima, Jinhee Lee


Charles R. Foy review of Michael J. Jarvis, “In the Eye of all Trade: Bermuda, Bermudians, and the Maritime Atlantic World,” in Common-place 10:4 (July 2010) (www.common-place.org)., Charles R. Foy