Faculty Research & Creative Activity
Alan Hardy, Anne Dodd, Graham D. Keevill, et al., Œlfric's Abbey: Excavations at Eynsham Abbey, Oxfordshire, 1989–92 . Illustrations by Lisa Padilla, Ros Smith, Amanda Patton, and Mel Costello. (Oxford Archaeology, Thames Valley Landscapes, 16.) Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology, for Oxford Archaeology, 2003. Pp. xxv, 636; many black-and-white and color figures (1 foldout), black-and-white and color plates, and tables.
Document Type
Publication Date
July 2005
Recommended Citation
Young, Bailey, "Alan Hardy, Anne Dodd, Graham D. Keevill, et al., Œlfric's Abbey: Excavations at Eynsham Abbey, Oxfordshire, 1989–92 . Illustrations by Lisa Padilla, Ros Smith, Amanda Patton, and Mel Costello. (Oxford Archaeology, Thames Valley Landscapes, 16.) Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology, for Oxford Archaeology, 2003. Pp. xxv, 636; many black-and-white and color figures (1 foldout), black-and-white and color plates, and tables." (2005). Faculty Research & Creative Activity. 266.