"Comparison of Osteoporosis Knowledge, Beliefs, Attitudes, and Behavior" by Lauri DeRuiter-Willems

Document Type


Publication Date

May 2018


Osteoporosis is known as a pediatric disease with geriatric consequences. The need forbone health, awareness of controllable risk factors and prevention of osteoporosis begins duringone’s youth (Campbell, 2012; Cannada, 2016; Evenson & Sanders, 2016; Edmonds, Turner, &Usdan, 2012; Ford et al., 2011; Gammage et al., 2009; Gammage et al., 2012). Currently, mosthealth information and health campaigns focus on older adults. To promote measurableimprovements in reducing the number of cases of osteoporosis, the focus for change needs tostart as early as teenage and young adult age. In addition to the general population trends, ratesspecifically associated with the nonwhite U.S. population are expected to increase. Burge (2007)reported that the 2005 “distribution of fractures by race/ethnicity among women reveals thatwhites have 89% of the total, followed by black (4%), Hispanic (4%), and other women (3%)”(p. 468). Burge further reported that projections between 2006 and 2025 reveal that “fracturesand costs among the nonwhite population will increase from 14% and 12% in 2005, respectively,to 21% and 19% in 2025” (p. 468). This study identified the need to increase knowledge,attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of college students of various racial/ethnic groups as related toosteoporosis.

