Full Schedule - All Events | Twenty Years of Harry Potter: Celebrating a Phenomenon

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Thursday, September 14th
7:00 PM

Opening reception: The Boy Who Lived: Harry Potter and the Culture of Death

Suzie Asha Park, Eastern Illinois University

West Reading Room, Booth Library

7:00 PM

Friday, September 15th
4:00 PM

EIU Quidditch Tournament

Chelsea Duncan, Eastern Illinois University

Library Quad

4:00 PM

Thursday, September 28th
4:00 PM

Dark Arts and Other Wicked Ideas: Harry Potter, Banned Books and Intellectual Freedom

Michele McDaniel, Eastern Illinois University
Ryan McDaniel, Eastern Illinois University

Witters Conference Room 4440, Booth Library

4:00 PM

Tuesday, October 3rd
11:30 AM

Harry Potter Menu at The Café

Richard Wilkinson
FCS 3784 Students

Klehm Hall 1414

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

7:00 PM

Poison Pen: Rita Skeeter, her Quick-Quotes Quill & Journalism Ethics in the Wizarding World

Lola Burnham, Eastern Illinois University

Witters Conference Room 4440, Booth Library

7:00 PM

Thursday, October 5th
11:30 AM

Harry Potter Menu at The Café

Richard Wilkinson, Eastern Illinois University
FCS 3784 Students

Klehm Hall 1414

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tuesday, October 17th
4:00 PM

Muggles, Magic and Abuse

Angie Hunt, HOPE of East Central Illinois

Witters Conference Room 4440, Booth Library

4:00 PM

Thursday, October 26th
6:00 PM

Harry Potter Night

Booth Library
Tarble Arts Center
UIUC Harry Potter Alliance
EIU Harry Potter Club

Booth Library and Tarble Arts Center

6:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Tuesday, November 28th
7:00 PM

Harry Potter & the Cult of Celebrity

Lola Burnham, Eastern Illinois University

Witters Conference Room 4440, Booth Library

7:00 PM