Submissions from 2014
Course Schedule, English Department
ENG 1001G-001: Composition and Language, R Beebe
ENG 1001G-002: Composition and Language, Angela Vietto
ENG 1001G-003: Composition and Language, Kathy Olsen
ENG 1001G-004: Composition and Language, Denise Preston
ENG 1002G-001: Composition and Literature, Ruth Hoberman
ENG 2705-051: African American Literature, Michael Loudon
ENG 3001-051: Advanced Composition, Tim Taylor
ENG 3001-745-746: Advanced Composition, Roxane Gay
ENG 3802-051: Shakespeare, David Raybin
ENG 3808-001: Modern British Literature, Ruth Hoberman
ENG 3970-Harlaxton: English Literary Landscapes, Marjorie Worthington
ENG 4300-051: Senior Seminar: The Pleasures of the Long Poem, Michael Loudon
ENG 4905-001: Studies in Youth Literature, Jamilia Smith
ENG 5091-031: Policies and Procedures, Timothy Shonk
ENG 5585-001: Writing Workshop for Teachers: Best Writing From our Students and Ourselves, Robin Murray
FILM 3759G-001: History of Cinema, Donna Binns
WST 2309G-001: Women, Men, and Culture, Kathy Rodems