Submissions from 2006
ENG 1002-001, F McCormick
ENG 2011-051: Literature, the Self, and the World: Fiction, Randy Beebe
ENG 3001-051: Advanced Composition, John Moore
ENG 3009-001: Myth and Culture, Susan Bazargan
ENG 3703-051, Carpenter
ENG 3800-051: Medieval English Literature, David Raybin
ENG 3808-001: Twentieth-Century British Literature, Susan Bazargan
ENG 4950-001: Literary History and Bibliography, F McCormick
ENG 5011-001: Studies in Composition and Rhetoric: The Rhetoric of Place, The Place of Rhetoric, Robin Murray
ENG 5061-031: The Poetry of Robert Creeley, John Martone
ENG Schedule, English Department