Submissions from 2000
ENG 3703-001: 20th-century American Literature, Carpenter
ENG 3703-002-115, W D. Miller
ENG 3703-003: Modern American Literature, Guzlowski
ENG 3801-001: Chaucer, David Raybin
ENG 3801-002, Timothy Shonk
ENG 3802-001: Shakespeare, McDonough
ENG 3802-002: Shakespeare, John Moore
ENG 3803-001, Olga Abella
ENG 3807-001: English Victorian Literature, Gregg Hecimovich
ENG 3807-002: Victorian Literature, Richard Sylvia
ENG 3808-001: 20th-century British Literature, Michael Leddy
ENG 3808-002, Christhilf
ENG 3901-001: Language and Linguistics, Rosemary Buck
ENG 4300-001: Books of Poetry, David Raybin
ENG 4300-002: Utopia/Dystopia, Carol Stevens
ENG 4300-003: War Stories, John Kilgore
ENG 4760-001: Writing for the Professions, Jerie Weasmer
ENG 4762-001: Creative Writing: Poetry, Guzlowski
ENG 4763-001: Fiction Writing, Carpenter
ENG 4850-001: Non-Western Feminisms: Gender, Culture, and Nation, Jyoti Panjwani
ENG 4850-115: Literature of Vietnam, Martone
ENG 4903-001: The Literature of Adolescence (Young Adult Literature), Robin Murray
ENG 4950-001: Literary History and Bibliography, John Allison
ENG 4950-002: Literary History and Bibliography, McCormick
ENG 5003-001, Campbell
ENG 5006-001: Recent British Drama, David Radavich
ENG 5008-001: Studies in Colonial American Literature: Colonial Life Writing, P A. Boswell
ENG 5010-001: Contemporary American Poetry, Carpenter
ENG Schedule, English Department
ENG 3009C-006: Myth and Culture, Michael Leddy