Submissions from 2005
ENG 3009-005: Myth and Culture, C C. Wharram
ENG 3009-008: Myth and Culture, C C. Wharram
ENG 3009-009: Myth and Culture, Jyoti Panjwani
ENG 3009G-010: Myth and Culture, Daiva Markelis
ENG 3010-001: Literary Masterworks, Ruth Hoberman
ENG 3010G-002: Literary Masterworks, Susan Bazargan
ENG 3099-099: Myth and Culture, Jyoti Panjwani
ENG 3100-001-002: Cultural Foundations I, Dannie Otto and Michael Loudon
ENG 3401-001: Methods of Teaching Composition in Secondary Schools, Robin Murray
ENG 3402-001: Methods of Teaching Composition in Secondary Schools, Jerie Weasmer
ENG 3405-001: Children's Literature, John Moore
ENG 3405-002: Children's Literature, Carol Stevens
ENG 3405-003: Children's Literature, Jerie Weasmer
ENG 3504-001: Film and Literature: Film and Roman Noir and the Femme Fatale, Robin Murray
ENG 3601-001: Dante, David Raybin
ENG 3606-001: High Society Modern Drama, Christopher Wixson
ENG 3700-001: American Literature, 1450-1800, Angela Vietto
ENG 3702-001: American Realism, Stephen Swords
ENG 3702-002: American Realism, P A. Boswell
ENG 3704-001: Contemporary American Literature, Martone
ENG 3704-002, Carpenter
ENG 3706-001: American Regional Literature, Zahlan
ENG 3800-001: Medieval English Literature, F McGregor
ENG 3804-001, Olga Abella
ENG 3805-001: Restoration & 18th-Century British Literature, McCormick
ENG 3806-001: English Romantic Literature, Richard Sylvia
ENG 4300-4390-001-099: Senior Seminar, Linda Coleman
ENG 4300-4390-002-098: Senior Seminar: Authors and Authorship, Tim Engles
ENG 4300-4390-003-097: Book History, Authorship, and Reading, Angela Vietto
ENG 4761-001: Creative Nonfiction Writing, Daiva Markelis
ENG 4764-001: Advanced Playwriting, David Radavich
ENG 4850-001: Contemporary Literature of the Middle East, Susan Bazargan
ENG 4901-001, Shonk
ENG 4950-001: Literary History and Bibliography, McCormick
ENG 4950-002: Literary History and Bibliography, Richard Sylvia
ENG 5000-001: Introduction to Issues & Methods in English Studies, Randy Beebe
ENG 5003-001: Alchemy and Magic in 17th Century English Literature, Carol Stevens
ENG 5005-001: Studies in Nineteenth-Century British Literature "Victorian Secrets: Domesticity, Detection, and Disclosure", Dagni Bredesen
ENG 5011-001: Genre Theory & Pedagogy, Donna Binns
ENG 5500-001: Practicum in Teaching and Tutoring Writing, Daiva Markelis
ENG Schedule, English Department
WST 2309-003: Women, Men, and Culture, Carol Stevens