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Eastern Illinois State Normal School was founded in 1895. It became, successively, Eastern Illinois State Teachers College (1921), Eastern Illinois State College (1947), and Eastern Illinois University (1957). The university was first accredited by the North Central Association in 1915; in 1920, it began offering the Bachelor of Education degree. In 1953, the university received accreditation as a master's degree-granting institution; in 1954, its mission was expanded to include Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degree programs. In 1965, it was granted preliminary accreditation for a six-year program leading to a Certificate of Advanced Study. At that time, Eastern also was advised to consider adopting the more common degree title of “Specialist in Education.” In 1975, the Executive Board voted to grant continued accreditation at the specialist's degree level, with the next evaluation scheduled in 1985. It also required the institution to submit a mid-cycle report on issues of concern to the 1975 evaluation team: university autonomy, heavy faculty workloads, limited research and publication, committee structure, student services, budget support for graduate programs, and transitional administrative leadership of graduate study and research. In June 1980, the commission accepted the institutional progress report and commended the university for its progress. In 1985, Eastern’s accreditation was renewed, with no stipulations, reports, or focused evaluations requested. The university’s most recent comprehensive evaluation occurred in Academic Year (AY) 2005. It, too, resulted in Eastern’s unqualified reaffirmation of accreditation.

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Eastern Illinois University


Charleston IL


Eastern Illinois University, EIU, NCA Self Study, Reaccreditation


Education | Higher Education

Living the Mission: Eastern Illinois University NCA Self Study Report - 2014
