The Chat Room is the newsletter of the College of Education and Professional Studies at Eastern Illinois University. Early editions were known as 'Connections', not to be confused with the annual report of the College of Education and Professional Studies called 'Connections'.
Note: The schema for designated volume numbers changed between eras. Whereas recently each new issue of 'The Chat Room' is a new volume, in some previous years all issues of 'The Chat Room' for a single year were listed as one volume.
Connections, Volume 2 No. 1 (October 2003)
College of Educational and Professional Studies
Connections is the College of Education and Professional Studies newsletter. This is Volume 2 No. 1, October 2003.
Connections, Volume 1 No. 6 (March 2003)
College of Educational and Professional Studies
Connections is the College of Education and Professional Studies newsletter. This is Volume 1 No. 6, March 2003.
Connections, Volume 1 No. 4 (February 2003)
College of Educational and Professional Studies
Connections is the College of Education and Professional Studies newsletter. This is Volume 1 No. 4, February 2003.
Connections, Volume 1 No. 4 (January 2003)
College of Educational and Professional Studies
Connections is the College of Education and Professional Studies newsletter. This is Volume 1 No. 4, January 2003.
Connections, Volume 1 No. 3 (December 2002)
College of Educational and Professional Studies
Connections is the College of Education and Professional Studies newsletter. This is Volume 1 No. 3, December 2002.
Connections, Volume 1 No. 1 (October 2002)
College of Educational and Professional Studies
Connections is the College of Education and Professional Studies newsletter. This is Volume 1 No. 1, October 2002.
Connections, Volume 1 No. 2 (November 2002)
College of Educational and Professional Studies
Connections is the College of Education and Professional Studies newsletter. This is Volume 1 No. 2, November 2002.