Faculty Research & Creative Activity
Submissions from 2016
17β-Estradiol influent and effluent concentrations in wastewater: demographic influences and the risk to environmental health., K. Heffron, K. Gaines, J. Novak, T. Canam, and D. Collard
Two new species and a key to nine species of the genus Mongolotettix Rehn, 1928 from China (Acrididae, Acridoidea, Orthoptera), Jian-Ping Shi, Zhi-Wei Liu, and Bao-Ping Li
Carex nilagirica (Cyperaceae), a new sedge species from the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India, A Viji, A Pandurangan, Deepu Sivadas, and Gordon Tucker
Carex nilagirica (Cyperaceae), a new sedge species from the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India, A Viji, A Pandurangan, Deepu Sivadas, and Gordon Tucker
Seasonal patterns in diet composition of adult shovelnose sturgeon in a free-flowing river, Vaskar Kc, Manisha Pant, Craig Jansen, and Robert Colombo
Seasonal patterns in diet composition of adult shovelnose sturgeon in a free-flowing river, Vaskar Kc, Manisha Pant, Craig Jansen, and Robert Colombo
A network of genes associated with poplar root development in response to low nitrogen, Madhumita Dash, Yordan Yordanov, Tatyana Georgieva, Sapna Kumari, Hairong Wei, and Victor Busov
Convergence and divergence in a long-term old-field succession: the importance of spatial scale and species abundance., Shao‐peng Li, Marc Cadotte, Marc Cadotte, Scott Meiners, Zhichao Pu, Tadashi Fukami, and Lin Jiang
Convergence and divergence in a long-term old-field succession: the importance of spatial scale and species abundance., Shao‐peng Li, Marc Cadotte, Marc Cadotte, Scott Meiners, Zhichao Pu, Tadashi Fukami, and Lin Jiang
Evidence for the Transfer of Elatine rotundifolia to Linderniaceae, Hamid Razifard, Donald Les, and Gordon Tucker
Evidence for the Transfer of Elatine rotundifolia to Linderniaceae, Hamid Razifard, Donald Les, and Gordon Tucker
Effects of heated effluent on Midwestern US lakes: implications for future climate change, Joshua Mulhollem, Joshua Mulhollem, Robert Colombo, David Wahl, and David Wahl
Effects of heated effluent on Midwestern US lakes: implications for future climate change, Joshua Mulhollem, Joshua Mulhollem, Robert Colombo, David Wahl, and David Wahl
Contrasting Impacts of Dams on the Metacommunity Structure of Fish and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages, Ryan Hastings, Scott Meiners, Robert Colombo, and Trent Thomas
Contrasting Impacts of Dams on the Metacommunity Structure of Fish and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages, Ryan Hastings, Scott Meiners, Robert Colombo, and Trent Thomas
Microbial community structure of a freshwater system receiving wastewater effluent, Matthew Hladilek, Karen Gaines, James Novak, David Collard, Daniel Johnson, and Thomas Canam
Microbial community structure of a freshwater system receiving wastewater effluent, Matthew Hladilek, Karen Gaines, James Novak, David Collard, Daniel Johnson, and Thomas Canam
Submissions from 2015
Acute toxicity assessment of N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) on the photosynthetic activity of the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium instriatum, Eloy Martinez, Sylvia Velez, Marietta Mayo, and Miguel Sastre
Age-0 Growth, Timing of Spawning Events, and Genetic Population Structure of Channel (Ictalurus punctatus) and Blue (Ictalurus furcatus) Catfish in the Wabash River, V. Sotola, Aaron Schrey, E. Bollinger, L. Frankland, R. Colombo, and S. Rayford
An Integrative Approach to Successional Dynamics: Appendix 1, Scott Meiners, Steward Pickett, and Mary Cadenasso
An Integrative Approach to Successional Dynamics: Appendix 2, Scott Meiners, Steward Pickett, and Mary Cadenasso
An Integrative Approach to Successional Dynamics: Appendix 2, Scott Meiners, Steward Pickett, and Mary Cadenasso
An Integrative Approach to Successional Dynamics: Community patterns and dynamics, Scott Meiners, Steward Pickett, and Mary Cadenasso
An Integrative Approach to Successional Dynamics: Community patterns and dynamics, Scott Meiners, Steward Pickett, and Mary Cadenasso
An Integrative Approach to Successional Dynamics: Conceptual frameworks and integration: drivers and theory, Scott Meiners, Steward Pickett, and Mary Cadenasso