Faculty Research & Creative Activity
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
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If you are new to butterfly watching, this is the book for you! It covers 25 of the most commonly encountered butterflies in the Midwestern U.S. Learning these common species will give you a great start in your discovery of the more than 100 butterfly species in our region, many of which look very similar to those included in this guide.
Recommended Citation
Switzer, Paul, "Quick and Easy Guide to Common Butterflies: An Introduction to the 25 Most Commonly Encountered Butterflies in the Midwest" (2019). Faculty Research & Creative Activity. 473.
This guide, created with the support of Eastern Illinois University, is a critical educational component of the Urban Butterfly Initiative (urbanbutterflies.org), a community-service organization that works to integrate butterfly habitat into public and private green spaces in cities.