Political Science Capstone Posters

This gallery features student posters from the Political Science capstone course PLS 4600.

Effects of Insurance Coverage For Drug Rehabilitation on Drug Arrests

Effects of Insurance Coverage For Drug Rehabilitation on Drug Arrests

Right-Wing Terrorism in the United States

Right-Wing Terrorism in the United States

Do social media companies, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, have standard guidelines for domestic violence, and if so, how do they police it?

Do social media companies, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, have standard guidelines for domestic violence, and if so, how do they police it?

School-to-Prison Pipeline Effect on Illinois Schools

School-to-Prison Pipeline Effect on Illinois Schools

The Presidential Pardon Power and the Most Significant Reasons for its Use

The Presidential Pardon Power and the Most Significant Reasons for its Use

A Study of the Relationship Between Executive Orders and the Supreme Court

A Study of the Relationship Between Executive Orders and the Supreme Court

Voting Minds: Mental Health affects on Political Participation

Voting Minds: Mental Health affects on Political Participation

Modernizing Terror: The Capture & Trafficking of Weapons by Terrorist Organizations

Modernizing Terror: The Capture & Trafficking of Weapons by Terrorist Organizations

Determining Loyalty by Age in Russia

Determining Loyalty by Age in Russia

Understanding Generational Policy Preferences within the American Polonia

Understanding Generational Policy Preferences within the American Polonia

Studying the Political Habits of Second-Generation Americans

Studying the Political Habits of Second-Generation Americans

The Impact of Bias on Ethnic Minorities in America

The Impact of Bias on Ethnic Minorities in America