Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Kathlene S. Shank


The effect of classroom setting upon the academic achievement of students identified as exceptional is an issue worthy of exploration. A plethora of research data tends to show that segregated settings are more effective for individuals who are moderately to severely handicapped in intellectual or physical functioning, whereas integrated settings are more favorable toward those who are mildly handicapped (e.g., learning disabled or behavior disordered, for instance). Numerous variables in the different delivery systems make it rather difficult for the research to pinpoint which type of setting contributes best to a child's learning.

Research in the past has put considerable emphasis on the type of environmental setting. The quality of the setting is also important. Increasing the number of instructional strategies used in regular classrooms, resource rooms, or self-contained classrooms and developing models of learning so that individuals with exceptionalities can develop and function according to their potential in the mainstream of life is also worthy of attention. This scholarly paper reviews the literature and research specific to the aforementioned considerations.
