Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Judith J. Ivarie


This descriptive research was conducted to collect data concerning the attitudes and policies about transition to postsecondary education by secondary special educators in the State of Illinois. A survey was sent to 208 secondary special educators representing the independent high school districts in the state. The survey measured three variables in relation to size of school: special educators' awareness of postsecondary educational opportunities, special educators' expectations for students labeled learning disabled to pursue postsecondary education, and current practices for serving high school students labeled learning disabled. The findings showed that there were more likenesses than differences in the transition attitudes and practices of secondary special educators in large and small schools in the State of Illinois. Out of sixteen items analyzed a priori, only one item showed a significant difference. That difference was that a higher percentage of special educators from large schools were aware of postsecondary programs for students labeled learning disabled. In only one out of three variables, level of awareness, was there a significant difference based upon school size. There is a need in future research to focus on establishing criteria as to what levels schools are functioning at on these variables, so that intervention and staff-training can more readily and profitably be developed.
