Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

David H. Carwell


The main assumption of this thesis is that fascism is not an historical feature, nor a geographical one. The premises for the rise of fascism are beyond time and space; it can develop anywhere, anytime, in a certain context and under some conditions. These context and these conditions are to be explained and described in this thesis. I will compare the features of fascism in inter-war Europe with those of neo-fascism, and I will also compare the features of Eastern European fascims with those of the Western Europe; the main reason for these comparisons is that it was argued that fascim was just a characteristic of the pre-World War I, and that after the end of the Cold War it has developed only in the Eastern Europe because of the transition to democracy process. The aim of this thesis is to contradict these hyupotheses. As case studies I have chosen Austria and Romania because within these countries both features of fascism and neofascism have developed; and moreover, one country represents the Western democratic Europe (membership of the EU), aand the other is a country in a process of transition (candidate country at EU accession).
