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The purpose of this systematic review is to explore the effect of fish intake on cognitive decline. Previous studies on fish intake and cognitive decline have produced both supportive results and results that yield ineffectiveness. This review focuses primarily on omega 3 concentration from fish intake and its influence on mild cognitive impairment. Using several search engines, studies were selected by searching “fish intake and cognitive decline”. Inclusion criteria consisted of individuals diagnosed with MCI, intervention of fish intake, and omega 3 fatty acid concentration and cognitive function exams conducted at baseline and throughout the study. Nine out of the ten studies within this review show that an increase of fish intake results in an increase in omega-3 fatty acid concentration within red blood cells. Due to this increase in concentration, there is an improvement in various mental state exams. Although these studies show positive results, not all are statistically significant or analytically persuasive. More research needs to be done on fish intake and cognitive decline to hopefully wage the gape in knowledge for the future of neurodegenerative diseases.


1st Place, Graduate Division, 2024 Booth Library Awards for Excellence in Student Research and Creative Activity

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