Degree Name

Education Specialist (EdS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Donald W. Smitley


In the Cerro Gordo Public School System, Cerro Gordo, Illinois, a feasibility study of Minimum Competency Testing was begun in the Spring of 1980.

The preliminary work included contacting Supt. H. R. Starkey, who with the Cerro Gordo Board of Education, gave approval to conduct this study.

A special survey questionnaire was distributed to the community and faculty. These questionnaires were returned to the school, which were in turn given to this writer.

The report will attempt to describe the opinions and feelings of the members of the community and faculty about competency testing as indicated in the survey.

The results were interpreted using an analytical approach as well as the percentages of each response compared with the total number.

The report was organized into three major divisions: A discussion of Minimum Competency Testing, the Survey of the Cerro Gordo Community concerning Minimum Competency Testing, and Implications for Cerro Gordo.

The data provided by the MCT testing survey is an important source of input to the Board of Education and Administration of Cerro Gordo School District 100.

It should be remembered that the survey dealt solely with the feelings and perceptions concerning a Minimum Competency Testing program in general.

The results of the survey showed Cerro Gordo was willing to initiate a Minimum Competency Testing program. Citizens were willing to bear the expense involved, but did not want it to be used as a criteria for obtaining a diploma.

The report will not give a "YES" or "NO" answer as to whether or not Cerro Gordo School District should adopt MCT. This decision should be made by the citizens through the Board of Education with the assistance of its Administration and staff.
