Graduate Program


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Semester of Degree Completion


Thesis Director

Isaac Slaven

Thesis Committee Member

David W. Melton

Thesis Committee Member

Jerry Cloward


This study examines the immediate effect of a training module and job-aid on the percentage of police reports that lack pertinent information relating to the identity and contact information for suspects, witnesses and victims. A random sampling of reports was examined to determine if the initial responding officer obtained all available information needed to identify and contact these individuals for further investigation.

This analysis resulted in the creation of a training module, which was provided to all members of the patrol division. The module included a job aid to which each officer could refer during the report writing process. An examination of reports subsequent to the issuance of the training module was conducted, and the results of that examination were compared with the original study to quantify the increase in the percentage of reports which contained the necessary information. The rate of compliance increased after the application of the training module. The creation of a training module addressed a performance gap created by the lack of pertinent information being included in the initial police reports.

This study found officers can be trained to complete these reports properly, thereby reducing the amount of time needed for gathering preliminary information after the initial report has been created. No standardized procedures for report writing are utilized at the Eastern Illinois University Police department. Officers were not disciplined or penalized for failing to adhere to the instructions in the job aid, and all compliance with the directive was voluntary.
