Faculty Research & Creative Activity

Document Type


Publication Date

January 1983


The capture of more than one individual in a live trap can often provide information on the social behavior of small mammals, but the conclusions drawn from these data will depend on the type of live trap used. Davis (1955) and Getz (1972) used multiple capture traps and analyzed their data with respect to attraction and repulsion of individuals both within and between different age and sex classes. Petersen (1975), Feldhamer (1977), Blaustein and Rothstein (1978), Jenkins and Llewellyn (1981) and Spencer et al. (1982) gained information on the formation of associations during foraging and dispersal from multip~ captures made in single capture traps. Other studies have included anecdotal information on multiple captures but have not analyzed the data rigorously enough to shed light on the social organization of the species involved. This paper reports multiple captures of Peromyscus leucopus, a species for which multiple capture data have not previously been analyzed in the literature. The results are then related to previous studies on multiple captures of cricetines.

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Biology Commons
